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Yo Phans. Fearless Leader here. Still brutally cold but sunny enough yesterday AND it warmed up enough to get me out. Silver is still in rehab, very fashionable these days, so only a brief account with time constraints nipping at my heels.

This machine is exhibiting more feminine qualities I am sorry to say. Very tempermental & unpredictable and will suddenly stop working IOW ‘Not responding.’ It is wearing my patience THIN as the simplest of tasks seems to take forever. Probably a bandwidth issue in reality.

So, expect some delays and longer than normal gaps until either I win some battles OR the war, get a decent job or hit the lottery. This is very remote as I am not currently buying tickets.

Today now the sun is up and if it is a cc of yesterday that would be fine. Just the sunshine and bit of warmth lifts the soul.

My friend Nancy came over for a painting lesson yesterday & we attended a lecture at the Heard-Craig Center for the Fine Arts in McK. On the way back Nancy was gracious enough to allow me a few stops to run critical errands which was huge & greatly appreciated.

I would rather have one friend like Nancy than 500 ‘facebook friends’ or even 200 linkedIn ‘contacts.’

Got to go. Coffee is chilling quickly this morning and I am simply ITCHING to paint, work on projects with the wildest goal of finishing ONE.

Bill out.

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