18 J 18
Yeah Hi I am back. I trust Y.O. Ming didn’t ruffle too many feathers. I see that we haven’t gained viral subscribers but hey, that’s OK. Life goes on …
NIX on the title. I have been #1 trying to stay warm, #2 working on projects, #3 job hunt like a sailor on shore leave and #4 independent study & on-line research.
Pacifically on #4, I learned that if one accepts a title of nobility they relinquish their US citizenship.
Guess what ? I sure do NOT want to do that right now. It’s getting too good and I for one want to see how all this drama ends.
Still brutally & bitter cold here. The freeze guard runs constantly circulating water in the cement pond.
I awoke in the night and each time the heat was running. But today, right now the sun IS shining and by positioning a chair just so in front of the southern exposure windows gives a feeling of true warmth for a part of the day anyway.
Today's image is a small painting I finished yesterday.
The scene is from a photo that I took on the trip to Hawaii in 12 and I did it recently with my student who painted the same picture from the photo right along side. Kind of fun and interesting.
I could finish the beach scene today as I worked on it some yesterday.
I know it is getting close because the paint is going on slowly and carefully, strategically. Study is made of broad areas, the paint or wash made and applied with the correct size brush.
I received a package from my brother with some tropical fish blank cut-outs and I have started four (4) Achilles tangs. Two (2) life size & two (2) half-size. I will include an image later for reference & in hopes of generating sales. Making great progress considering the time spent thus far.
Some amusing research on youtube digging down into news, old tv shows and such. Check out Slab City, a campground for squatters in Ca that are artists, musicians and assorted crazies, Many have their own youtube channels. Cool, goofy & insane all at the same time.
Amos & Andy is a true hoot. The escapades of Kingfish I the gang are wildly amusing. And Patti's 1880 settlement has 'recipes with Ann & Dan' that is all quirk. I don't think there is anything that cannot be found on youtube.
A dog story ...
'I miss her so much' Father mourns 3-year-old killed by dog family had owned for days
OK family brought home a new dog & it killed an incumbent child family member. In OK where apparently poeple FORGET dogs are animals and as such adhere to a slightly different ... what ? Seet of rules ? Culture ?
Another great dog story to add to the collection.
I guess that's about it. Running behind and will make every attempt to get all caught up by maybe Friday.