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Saint Patrick’s day 2018

The brilliance of the sunrise and sheer elegance of the symphony of birds is shattered by the high-pitched dins of lawn services in the barrio not one but AT LEAST three (3) chasing the almighty buck this morning. Doubtless they will move on but others will replace them here and across the free world in order.

Blocking all that out and sipping scalding hot estate blend tea for a very welcomed change, I progress.

Saturday morning and a legitimate Holiday on the calendar which WILL carry over to Bill’s calendar. Too bad it is nearly always during Lent so booze is out. I know ONE (1) thing. Easter morning breakfast is going to include a Makers & coke.

For St Patrick you understand. (insert winky-winky)

I checked what was happening in the world via my ‘smart’ phone and I had a favorable comment on a youtube posting and on the daily glean from LinkedIn news where two things that not only caught my eye but are also worth a comment and a partial read of each.

The first was about tattoos and did they come at a professional cost ? I think so. However as I scrolled down, the comments and subsequent articles were amazing, incredible and frankly unbelievable.

My OPINION, tats are revolting as are piercings ANYWHERE but the ears of a lady. I can’t think of an acceptable tattoo unless a RFID or barcode inside the right or left wrist.

Both show poor taste, incredibly bad judgment and decision making. AND usually alcohol or drugs are involved. But enough on that.

The next article was an Italian study taken over forty (40) years that compared varying degrees of intelligence, skill, effort and … get ready for this … luck. That’s right. LUCK.

The biggest winners were those moderateIy talented but extremely lucky.

That would be me !! I have been VALIDATED !!

As far as being lucky, one has to be willing to take a risk.

Certainly NOT every time one comes along but calculated and measured as one is presented. One MUST from time to time venture outside of a zone of comfort to experience the uncertainty and actually INCREASE the risk of taking a chance and having something good happen. This would be manifested by the hordes as ‘luck’. But YOU made it happen.

Of course if things go south & wrong, you might look like a fool or an idiot but that’s the price you must be willing to pay. Suck it up and explain it by simply saying and explaining, if necessary, the lesson you learned.

This will impress the inquisitor (if you really & truly NEED to impress) or you could follow the lead of the brethren in the United Kingdom & simply tell them to ‘piss off.’

OK. So today let’s all be Lucky & Good in honor of Saint Patrick shall we ?

Live large, chin up and for Heaven’s sake DO NOT be one of the ‘little people.’

Think GREEN.

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