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25 A 2018|

Simply a dreadful day here at the cloud. Awoke at 1:07 am to a bright flash quickly identified as lightning after a couple thousand nanoseconds. And yes, that fast was put there as a thread of panic but short-lived.

A rare evening entry this day.

I accomplished a few things today some of which have been lingering on the list of to-do’s for some time that I will get to shortly.

For instance, I got a draft of a broadcast letter message knocked out for the MAST planning committee. I received one (1) 'attaboy' for that.

Early it was windy with a chill and later in the day it did rain.

I looked out the kitchen window and noticed a bluebird scouting out the bluebird house I put up 3-4 years ago. It was brilliant and THEN out from the shrub wattles Mother Duck an 11 little ducklings that must have just hatched. Tiny little peepers are the comical to watch. In the cement pond one can see their little feet going like crazy.

They can go pretty quickly across the surface of the water almost like running. Uber quick and they stay very close to mama. They were so small that they all can not jump up over the edge and out of the water. So I put out a little ‘ramp’ and one little one does NOT get it. I watched the other ten (10) get out either jumping or using the improvised ramp but one little one just peeps, jumps futility and swims back & forth frantically. Kind of sad as she did get out once and when I checked back later two, TWO (dos) were then experiencing the problem of the jumping handicap or not realizing the ramp was a way out to freedom of the clutch.

I expect to find one or perhaps two dead in the morning.

I did put a call into the City of McK Animal Control to find out what EXACTLY to do in this particular case WITHOUT going to jail or living the rest of my life guilty in retrospect.

Today the image will be one of many of mama & the little beasties.

I signed up for a language and memory study at UTD next week. This is a PAID healthy brain study and I figured it was better THIS way than donating my dead body to science or as an organ donor to be sliced up for farting at a dinner or driving without a seatbelt.

Also hired was cleaning service. I called & spoke to five (5) candidates and I think I got a pretty good deal. The rates were competitive and the winner will be around Tuesday and I am not certain if it is THIS Tuesday at 9 or NEXT Tuesday at 9. I’ll be ready in each case. This is going to be the BEST hard-earned money I have ever spent.

One lady was handicapped due to a hand infection from a wound she received from her … get READY FOR THIS … her cat. Her FREAKING CAT !! A scratch or cut from the cats tooth got infected and it required hospitalization and she was not yet 100%. AND she LOVES this cat. It is 19 years old.

All the MORE REASON to put the beast out of its misery and ASSURE such a thing does not happen again. Filthy, filthy, filthy.

Look up again Toxoplasma gondii if you think this is a joke.

I finished a chapter of Jungle of Stone and drawing near the end. Sent & received an email from the author William Carlsen. No sooner did I get his reply when I found an error on the caption of a photograph. The image was labeled ‘Nunnery’ and it was clearly not as the Nunnery at Chichen-Itza is a HUGE temple devoid of architectural decorative.

I pulled out one of my reference (picture) books and the image was the Nunnery ANNEX which I must point out the difference to the author to show some people do pay attention and KNOW.

He also suggested I visit Coba and I need to inform him that I visited those ruins on two occasions.

On my first solo trip in the previous century and again on the 2016 trip briefly. What a change. Nearly TOTALLY developed complete with a zip line across the shallow lake near the entrance gate.

So the Disneyland effect will be fully blown shortly at Coba.

OK. Getting late & I don’t know why I am tired.

I had a nice light supper of the last of the soup, the last of the cucumber salad taken to pass at last night potluck at St Michaels and a piece of fruit.

I also received the information packet for the Bishops Golf Invitational in September. Pricey but it will be held at the TPC at Los Colinas where the PGA stops a week or two before the Colonial. So that will be a deduction and a great course to play.

That’s it for now. Movie night and burn some feathers hoping for a better day tomorrow.

Toots Kids.

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