I awoke this day in the cloud and as much fun as I, we, everyone had during the King’s weekend in Houston, it is great to be home and there is NO PLACE like home.
The Truth is I had started an entry just about each day while off the grid, however every morning it seemed there would be an interruption and I stalled early on. Not in a bad way mind you but just so the ‘gap’ is explained.
Also I might add being off the grid was a wholesome experience. Except being off the training program and sitting down to the three meals ALL good BTW when I jumped on the scale after landing was neither shocked or surprised to see 180 for the first time in weeks. I will resume the program today, this morning weather permitting.
Overcast, still and dead calm. Today the program calls for a short, intense 25K (15 M) so a little over an hour so I haven’t slipped too much.
So here is a condensed recapitulation of the King’s weekend. Images when and where available AND appropriate.
15 Jn 18 Friday
Trip that usually takes 3-4 hours was over 5 due to wrecks coming out of McK BEFORE Dallas and heavy construction delays approaching Corsicana. Just dreadful.
One stop for brunch & fuel which BTW is now outrageous. I lucked out at $2.55 lowest seen until Houston.
After arriving and cooling down, we made a short trip to downtown Spring and The Little Dutch Girl for licorice. Always a treat. Best selection of Dutch, Finnish, Swedish among others plus salt water taffy in crazy flavors I fail to taste but humor FBNextGen with a ‘couple’ of each. Came in under budget at $19.47. (Just under ... $20).
16 Jn 18 Saturday
Early on there was an art lesson. The grandies have a nice little ‘play room’ set up in a room that was formerly known as (fka) the formal dining room. My opinion this is a MUCH BETTER use of the space but I refrained from voicing an opinion.
FBNG started putting white paint on the latest gwt, areas & spots under close supervision. I drew lines with a soft lead pencil, made sure she could see them and made it ‘just like a coloring book’ staying inside the lines.
Next we went to watch FBNG at her gym for a class and while watching S2 tutored me how to make & move MP3 files from CDs to the phone. Very cool. Will xfer only the Best of Bill when I get back home and time allows (haha).
Went to Mass at St James the Apostle this time at 5:00 Vigil. Much easier to find than the other place St Edwards I believe it is but I could be wrong.
When I got back to Paradise South the joint was rocking into the next Happy Hour. Everyone was in the pool, splashing, laughing and swigging something age appropriate. The water was warm but still refreshing.
Mikey had a frozen cool pop thing that didn't seem to phase him if he could get a small piece that was floating.
17 Jn Sunday
Fathers day and King’s day. We, S2 & I, were treated to brunch at Dosey Doughs which was grande.
HUGE buffet and everything was superb. Photo opps, the band played and some to most of the 180 was reached here.
We made a good attempt for a bike ride as we were squeezed for time and did manage a shortie. It had rained and threatened most of the weekend so the plan was to get out while we could.
Home for light lunch (insane) and Happy Hour (required). Relaxed napping and watching the end of the US Open and after GS1 awoke from his nap everyone one again found suits and made their way to the pool for more fun, floating and frivolity.
18 Jn Monday
S2 hits ‘work’ mode as the work week started and I ‘baby sit’ while parents go to their gym VERY early for a together work out. I got up after they left and before the little ones so it was an easy gig.
At 10:00 and parents got home, I began my ‘business’ in Houston.
I went over to Market Street and found the offices for the show in September. I had a couple of questions, got them all answered like where the artists would be setting up and went near the Commons to have a look.
This could be an awesome event. The Commons is located in the swank, high-end & trendy mall in the Woodlands between Tommy Bahama’s and Jasper’s, an upscale gourmet shoppe with a restaurant. I think.
Bouyed by all this, I return to find the crew minus Dad hard at work doing little other than having fun.
Little Mikey is into EVERYTHING while his sister is making invitations for the next party.
FB/RN shows me this new gizmo gadget she bought for $15 that attaches to your phone with application software (aka ‘app’) and is like a robo-cam that travels INSIDE YOUR EAR !!
I sit still and calmly thru this little adventure, not sure and have much trouble believing the technology. Is this truly my ear canal or a replay of the last colonoscopy ?
Fans, it is GRUESOME. To boot I am taking parental abuse for everything from ear hair (the little trees guarding the cave) to extensive and excessive earwax buildup. I flush the canal out regularly with an ear syringe but apparently that doesn’t do a good enough job. The ‘plaque’ is stubborn and is marginally painful before all is removed and it still needs a rinse. She gives me instructions for doing this later.
Thru all this, I must admit I am hearing a little better AND I found myself not quite digging at my ears so frequently. I am thinking everyone should have their ears THOROUGHLY annually like whenever they change the batteries on their smoke alarms. Look at it as a part of the ‘safety third’ program.
The afternoon moves along and time for me to head downtown. At 6:30, Matthew Pearl will be speaking and signing books at a small book store Murder by the Book aka MBTB for short.
I give myself plenty of time not knowing or what to expect AND hearing horror stories about Houston drivers & traffic. Honestly I noticed no diff probably because a couple of rain showers popped up and made everyone a little more cautious. This is NOT saying there was not an idiot or three driving like they were auditioning for the demolition derby.
I found the place after missing a major turn (think ‘exit’) being in the wrong lane and unable to change lanes without causing an accident.
A compact little brick & mortar specialty bookstore with good online reviews, MBTB has crammed & packed shelves with murder, mysteries, suspense and thrillers new & old. Browsing, I found a series by Michael Crichton written early under a pseudonym. Interesting titles, authors from obscure to household names in some homes I am 100% certain.
Shortly after the 6:30 advertised start time, Mr Pearl is introduced and takes the stage. He seems a little nervous at first and admits to it. His voice and demeanor is a little unusual but I sort it out running it thru the algorithms and decide that it is OK.
He shares stories about the books, his research and his life and Family. It was interesting and lively, informal and relaxed and just when things seemed to be beginning to wander, the hour was over and Mr Pearl opened the floor for questions.
A very large woman in the front row in a purple tent was doing needlepoint the entire time leaped right in without missing a stitch for the first question totally ignoring the others behind that had hands up first.
She shall remain nameless but I’ll call her Barney.
The questions were good and Mr Pearl thanked each inquirer politely AFTER Barney and after the shop’s proprietor announced ‘one more question’, it was time to line up for book signings.
As a first timer, I had read the ‘rules of engagement’ for such things on the website and purchased not only the latest ‘The Dante Chamber’ but also in support of such small places and to keep them afloat another ‘The Bookaneer’.
The crowd of about 25-30 cued up and my ticket number was 8 so I was nearer the front. The owner asked if I wanted the copies personalized (one is allowed three (3) for signing first pass) and I said yes. Bill, Happy Birthday Matthew Pearl 6.18.18.
I got my turn and chatted while he signed. I mentioned that we had corresponded via email about the Francia project to remind him and he asked if that helped. I assured him it helped a great deal. Then he asked if I would like a signed manuscript page from the first book the Dante Club.
He explained during his talk that his wife was after him to clean up and get rid of some ‘stuff’ and this was part of his solution.
I accepted the signed page and let #9 have his 0:30 seconds while I browsed the store and eventually found the back of the line to have the other two of his books just signed and NOT personalized. I didn’t want to come across as a stalker or anything.
My turn again and I got another large female to take a photo with my phone for the final image.
19 Jn Tuesday
Reverse the process, loaded Silver & headed for home. Travel time 3.5 hours was more like it. Uneventful. Smooth sailing spotty rain showers, lighter than normal traffic. All good.
It was much fun and I was very glad that I opted to make the trip.
A long laundry list upon returning and on of the items is laundry believe it or not.
I don’t care if you do or don’t.
But there goes the alarm. Coffee cup is empty, it isn’t raining YET so maybe get the ride in while I can and the first spider lily had bloomed overnight. A five (5 … V) spot. It MUST BE SUMMER !!!
Image next time.
Bill out.
Fans … all images to follow later. I GOT them and if it rains, the PERFECT indoor ‘app’ or ‘opp’ OR activity. WS