18 Jly 18
Ateteen 7 ateteen alternate title. Jly and the only thing missing is u. Get it? Wednesday is done, the week is half-over and winding down. Within the hour the ac comes on.
I had a fine day thanks for axing.
The training ride was short today, hard 24K (15m) and I was done, home and dismounted when the one (1) hour timer went off. Tomorrow is 40k (25m) and with the rate of speed the time spent should be approaching 1.5 hours. I have discovered the faster I go (pedal) the sooner I get done and can do other activities. Isn't THAT brilliant ?
So today I spent pool time, did some reading & some painting. Just slow and relaxing respecting the heat and conserving energy.
I did a trial run of the domestic irrigation system. I was out there late last night after an emergency trip to the GRANDE orange box to replace a sprinkler head broken by the retarded yard guy. He isn’t really retarded but he had a part of his brain taken out, a tumor he said and advocates medicinal marijuana. Longer story and I don’t have time. I told him last week, last time, NOT this week and I would call him when I wanted or needed it done. He did it anyway and I told him I would pay him this time but not again. I don’t know if he broke it before & didn’t tell me or what but it caused me extra work. All I am saying is that it is suspcious wrt timing.
I was monitoring FB and her brood as they traveled to Gulf Shores, Alabama for a Family reunion on his side. I would check in, find out where they were, see what everyone was doing that sort of thing to help make the trip go faster & make it more fun.

Warm again today and into & out of the cement pond most of the day.
No alcohol for the 5th (5) day in a row. Just NOT feeling it. Actually not even eating that much.
My phone stated to act up so this posting might be delayed. I was painting, enjoying the tranquil solitude with the Down East Wood Ducks, (DEWDs) a minor league baseball team in the Carolina (NC) league. They are pretty bad but fun & funny to listen to. The announcer will call the team the DEWDs for short, first time I heard it was puzzled … ‘dudes?’
Also, get this, they are also referred to and called ‘the woodies’. Is that great or what ? I am at the very least going to get a Woodies shirt and perhaps a cap. Kind of like a ‘cougar’ shirt.
That’s about it.
Two finalists for image of the day. A shot of the temperature at the bank as I passed it today and

Little Mikey at the wheel of Endeavor piloting said vehicle in grand fashion while the car is on a ferry.
All boy already that one.
His Mom, FB, says he HATES lollipops.
After three (3) licks he gets pissed off and tosses it.
Can’t WAIT for that to grow up.
So sweet watching payback from afar.