Ate One 18
OK Phans so July is now behind us, Au about to unfold OR is it the 62nd day of June ? It doesn’t matter to me what you call it for the sun rose on the gardens & grounds of Fort Cloud here on Pecan Hill as it did yesterday and will again in all likelihood tomorrow.
Eight won.
Eight-one IS 18 …
I MUST stop before confusion drops to absurd levels and maybe insanity. Well, BEFORE then for sure.
So perusing the news as I do, I see ‘Michigan man bitten by cobra’ and the ‘frantic’ search for the anti-venom was underway. Questions arise and abound such as …
Are cobras now indigenous to Michigan? The UP or throughout ?
Turns out the snake was a 'pet' for the 26-year old bitten man. EXCUSE ME … !
Was it free range in his home or trailer ?
Why didn’t he have his OWN anti-venom on hand ?
I could go on but … why?
Let God have this one and thin the herd in this case. Me thinks God is trying to call him home but he isn't paying attention frankly.
As is usually the case, the ‘comments’ ranged everywhere from priceless to rich.
‘Darwin award candidate’ one said. A reply was the candidate MUST die first …
See what I mean ?
Another said if this was a Muslim, what’s the problem AND why is this even ‘news’ as in newsworthy ? It’s in all the 'news' Michigan will be the first US state to topple and turn Islamic. The rest will fall like dominoes. Except Texas will be last. New York will topple early for the GENERAL citizenry are sheep and easily led. For example over-the-top taxes with NOTHING to show for them EXCEPT the ‘BEST’ bureaucrats money can buy.
As I have mentioned previously, when such stories make the news, I have told FB that it is a slow news day so turn it off and STOP paying attention immediately. One wonders how far the ‘news desk’ has to search for a suitable story. Probably not far if it is trash pick-up day and the garbage is on the curb.
HEADLINE: ‘Train wreck in Pakistan … 195 feared dead’
OK. Next.
Today was the last 104k (65m) long rides. Next week and thru August the long endurance rides ramp up before the HH100. Next Monday 115/70 and I forget the rest … 75 and finally 80 the week before. I think now I GOT THIS.
The GOOD NEWS is the BIG RIDE is only now three (3) shortish training weeks IOW three (3) long rides away and the END is in sight. I am feeling pwitty good, confident & encouraged with the training times so far.
The Last Bookaneer is taking off. The main characters have arrived in Samoa and met Robert Louis Stevenson and the pace is great. Matthew Pearl is a great writer and the historical fiction storyline is a perfect summer read. Most enjoyable. I must post one of the pictures of us taken in Houston last June.
I have his latest, the Dante Chamber, to follow but I may slip that one back on the shelf for the winter time. I have a couple of thicker hard covers from estate sales one in particular by Daniel Silva I would like to read for a healthy change. Don’t want to OD or go overboard with Matthew Pearl. Some discipline is in order or one might develop a form of type I or II reading diabetes if not careful.
As my Dad used to say, I am bushed. I thought that was one of his made up word definitions but upon further review and investigation, Marion Webster , # 3 IS ‘tired, exhausted.’ Dad STILL winning … and smarter than I thought certainly at the time. I apologize Dad.
If I can just hold on to see if the Down East Wood Ducks can maintain the lead and snap this vicious 6-game losing streak. Very painful to listen to evenings but they deserve to win sooner or later.
Final the dudes (OUR DEWDs) 8, the Myrtle Beach Pelicans 3.
Seriously? Next time Nancy.
I’m bushed.