Ate Ate One Ate
A nice collection of good numbers today but is does not reflect truly the atmosphere and mood here. Slight melancholia and marginally depressed but no need for meds. Just some troughs in the waves of life that only require a bit of time and fortitude to heal or much better stated ‘to pass’.
That said, if you are here today, now, in need of the usual light-hearted humorous ‘boost’ or quick life, try back tomorrow. I just have a feeling is isn’t going to happen.
Read on Josephine ... (another worthless therapist)
Tomorrow I go to UT-SW Medical Center to participate in a brain study. It involves a MRI, tests and processing are expected to take a few hours. It is across town but subjects (they call is ‘test subjects’) get paid for this one so that’s nice.
There are a number of restrictions for this one the largest and most significant is not to exercise or work out 24-hours prior to the test so the training regimen has been altered and worked around.
Speaking of which, Monday’s enduro-ride was grueling. I had to stop three (3) times in 115k (70m) and I consumed the entire bottle of water which I have never done. The last two stops were specifically for water. I thought something was going on and a couple of hours later it all made more sense.
After I had rested up and was going out thru the garage for errands and I looked at the bike and happened to squeeze the rear tire. Ouch. No air as in nada.
So yesterday I took it in for repairs as this was a brand new tube and tire recall 2-3 weeks ago after the crash.
Well I picked up a piece of glass and I am willing to bet (if I had ANY money) that the rear tire was leaking slowly there near the end causing fatigue and resistance to sky-rocket. That’s my story anyway and I am going to stick to it and now CANNOT WAIT until the next long ride Monday to confirm the mechanical nature was the problem.
After next Monday, one more long training ride before heading to Wichita Falls & HH100 for the Big One.
Green tea this morning as a change off the caffeine. Lots of lime juice and a squirt of stevia. Very nice.
Got bad news on the last job interview. Shot down on a technicality with the pension payments and retiree re-hiring policy. So sad because it was strictly a timing issue that made me ineligible. I really was pumped on the job prospects, the interview went well as I KNEW both the hiring managers and answered all the questions smoothly from first hand experiences.
But that’s the way it goes. Now in the ‘regroup’ mode and struggling just a bit.
Also yesterday, via electronic mail, a ‘Call for artists’ to a very big show in Houston. The one I volunteered at last year. I read over briefly the six (6) page application with does, don’ts & instructions.
Lucrative, yes; potential, yep; costly, yeah.
I’ll need a tent, some kind of display walls and the entry fee for the two-day event is $500. I have some time to work logistics and think one thru as this is a tough one.
It is a large juried show with a $40 non-refundable jury fee to see if your work passes muster and meets levels to get in. I can apply in three (3) different categories ‘wood’ being first, most certainly & foremost but can also apply & make cases for digital art and 2-D sculpture.
OK. That’s enough. Don’t have it today Fans.
Sorry for the lack of luster. .
Next time.