S/First 2018
Early Saturday morning, a ‘long Holiday weekend’, but they ALL now are and before I forget, a brand new month. We survived August and now things should start to begin to cool down. Gradually.
Yesterday I accomplished a number of dangling objectives that have been lingering on the infamous ‘to-do’ list for some time.
I wrote nasty letters to the AARP informing them I no longer wanted to be a member and would not be renewing. To the RNC to cease & desist the numerous solicitations for campaign contributions. I told them I would be voting mid-term elections but my concerns for 2018 and supporting a straight republican ticket was NOT in the cards.
I told them I hoped Ted ‘The swamp chicken’ Cruz gets beat, that I will be vote for O’Rourke in that race and that I continue to support and back The President (Trump), I would NOT send funds that even MIGHT end up in the coffers to support the likes of Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan and the other idiots, ninnies and nincompoops that seem more intent opposing The President helping achieve his agenda.
I started a new read. Oblivion, author Peter Abraham a best seller in the day. One of those $0.25 bargains APL withdrew from the shelves and I had picked up on a previous visit. Finished The Heist by Daniel Silva and that was very good.
Speaking of Daniel Silva and the APL, I motored to Allen on my trip out to return two dvds of tv shows and ended up finding and checking out a number of others that looked promising.
Pretty smooth segway … ?
But before proceeding, one returned that I checked out was very forgettable. If you see Murder She Baked and are even considering or wondering, PASS on it. It was horrible. Weak, vanilla and a drool. Whomever did the casting must have been a rookie for ALL the female characters were thin blonds with Farrah Faucet hair. The male lead was ga-ga over the female lead and the stories of which there were three (3) two of which I started but could not finish and the third I decided why bother?
The second one returned was a BBC/Masterpiece Theater with five (5) episodes or stories on two (2) discs. Starred Dianna Rigg as you may recall as Emma Peel on the B&W series years ago. Of course she has aged but gracefully and the acting, setting, characters and story were charming and different (the 20’s in England), quirky and suspenseful IOW well-written. A Recommend for sure.
So I checked out a number of others that caught my fancy for a binge marathon on the long weekend when time allows.
Last night a three-part miniseries ‘To the End of the Earth’ was outstanding. I mean I still nodded out a few times so I started to burn fins & scales on some tropical fish to remain awake. Nodding out not for long however and I didn’t miss much.
The production was another from the BBC and the story followed a young British aristocrat on a journey to Australia to assume a government position of some sort in the colony there. The entire time they are on the ship and it was remarkable the realism attained and photography. As they say that in itself was worth the price of admission. No major battles, a few skirmishes with drops of blood but overall very authentic. Another Recommend but Highly.
I checked out two (2) audio books for work noise. I saw one by Phillip K Dick which I didn’t realize they had as I looked for things APL had by him but must have either overlooked or it was a recent acquisition. Also, the second audio book was by Daniel Silva.
Season 1 (one) & 2 of a series called Continuum that looks futuristic/sci-fi and there are others I will report on later unless something better comes along to report on.
I need to get going as I need to get out to the Farmer’s market early and get back before it gets too stinking hot. S1 is coming over for a painting lesson and the lawn & yard is looking shabby.
There is Mass, other admin tasking and I should work in a bike ride so as not to become totally flat, fat or flabby.
See how abruptly I can turn on the breaks and go from 120 to 35 in seconds ?