12 O 2018
FRIDAY. Some things will NEVER change and also for this we must be thankful.
Most times change can be embraced and welcome however keep in mind things can and often time do change for the worse or WORST.
Class dismissed and moving right along.
Friday or the end of the ‘working week’ signals the beginning of the weekend and more players, partiers and reveliers.
The cloud aka 49-oh-one B & B is booked this weekend as VIPs from Houston have both floors. S/B a big time, perhaps even huge.
You know, it was smashing actually. I MUST go again next week to finish out the exploration and charting.
O I no.
There you go, therapist on my again. Does the acronym FU mean ANYTHING to YOU?
Yesterday I secured a booklet with map and reviewing it at the first opportunity, discovered I needed to expand the explored territory and there is only one more day when admission is waived. IOW, free.
Having the ‘information booklet’ and map will aid greatly in planning the next adventure next Thursday.
Well, I did not venture too far from the Beer Barn and the six ticket Modelo especale never extending the range or envelop beyond of the cup. However at the end I purchased more tickies and rather splurged avoiding the walk back to the BB.
I had had just enough to find that cavalier attitude or personality level often and better held in submission to avoid issues or problems such as jail or a public intoxication charge(s). Over-serving has also led others less admirable to arrests on ‘public lewdness’ and THAT would not sit well on ones resume I am thinking.
Anyway, I digress.
I ‘discovered’ a protocol, process or method for extending my tickets.
After a reconnoiter, identify a younger, female working the tap and then simply turn on the charm.
Well, if one lacks, has no, or cannot summon ‘charm’, there isn’t really much hope is there.
Again, long story grossly abbreviated, it worked the first time for beer getting a 12 ticket down to 5 tickets. The BEST beer so far.
So I tried it again for an ‘alligator’ sausage. Well, it worked and she knocked a couple of tickets off. This one was more of a looker and the exchange was a little longer, drawn out and required a higher level of skill sans luck.
In other news before company arrives, I made a great business contact with Burt the Chainsaw carver. He was between shows sharpening one of his chains and I engaged him in a chat thru the safety netting before he invited me to come around behind for a longer Q & A.
Truncating, we exchanged cards and I feel sure we will do future business as it was a valuable meeting.
The appointed hour for my scheduled departure neared and I started to look for the train which turned into more of a bit of a challenge. In my wanderings I was a further distance and locating then getting to the station turn into a bit of a chore. Panic was about to set in but did NOT.
The stages to the train ride to Parker Road were uneventful. The Green line downtown was a packed car with an awful wait. Conversed briefly with a charming elderly couple before transferring to the Red line sharing a seat with an older lady. We chatted for a bit early and when things went silent I took a little nap …
I thought you weren’t going to interrupt?
I do it all the time. Besides, it could have been a nano-stroke. Plus, YOU make it sound like I slept with her. And further, if it wasn't consensual she could have enjoyed it. Has anyone ever called you a moron ? Well let me be the first.
When I awoke at Parker Road she was gone and I found Silver far, FAR from the platform.
Making my way to the APL, the program began at 7:30 and I was just a little early. I got to meet the presenter and author Anne Keene. Still wearing my Red Sox cap from the fair, she axed if I was a Sox fan.
Totally composed and polite now, ‘Yes’, for a long time.
Great talk, superb story and bought the book The Cloudbuster Nine which Anne signed after the presentation. Her researched involved a group of men recruited as pilots during WWII. Many were professional athletes one of which was Ted Williams. Johnny Pesky was also in the group as was one Yalie G Bush who would go on to be CIA director.
She mentioned Pesky was a terrible pilot but Williams was truly remarkable and outstanding. He signed autographs and was 100% totally engaging and Mrs Keehe said to a man each took more pride in their war service than any of the athletic accomplishments and awards they had won.
Thoughts wandered to today’s ‘social injustice warriors’. Specifically, this one wonders were those patriotic old boys around today how badly and severely they would thrash the pukes AND if the story would be suppressed or see the light of day OR exactly how the ‘socially and politically correct’ facebook/social media masses would handle such a thing.
They don’t make them like that anymore.
The current lot or variety is vastly inferior and few not worthy of any sort of recognition.
Things HAVE changed since then, certainly things are different and there is not going back.
I see I am approaching the magic word limit and it is therefore time to move on other more, MUCH MORE important and PRESSING activities.
As Col Klink often said class, ‘DISSSS-missed’.