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Eighteen N Twenty-eighteen

This WILL BE a perfect day for I have discovered the secret, developed the protocol AND will share it right here, right now … for FREE.

Here’s how it goes.

It includes FULL DISCLOSURE of the logic and analytics so you too can be one step, one level closer to Heaven, nirvana or whatever you aspire or perspire towards.

It is the 18th which numerically is significant refer to tag dia de la Concepcion.

The past week since the studio tour has been reduced to a blur. I KNOW … appointments, commitments, events, happenings, market and a symposium ... five LONG days and today will be PERFECT.

Today is all to myself, for myself with no anticipated or planned events. In another place long ago, I would by a small box of five (5) cigars and play nine holes and simply forget about everything. Or at least all of my problems, cares or worries. The cigars were to keep the bugs away.

This day I will carve and work on various artistic projects and I will do some cleaning although this exercise or process might more accurately be described as re-organizing and tidying up.

The visiting artist from Germany is still in town and at the reception Friday when she accepted my card inquired about a studio visit. Due to my chronic gullibility, I cannot or could not tell if it was serious or just being polite with no intent whatsoever of a visit.

By now readership should fully understand that I really do not care one way or the other HOWEVER one never, NEVER wants to be caught with one’s knickers below the knees not being prepared for such a thing. So I proceed on the slight-to-slim chance it happens and back off or stand down if it doesn’t going about my business here as fore mentioned.

All this said, there is no plan to venture out at all until possibly 3 or 4:00. The Stars are on the road and the game is on the radio at noon. Forest on 88.1 in Denton has Sunday programming from 10-12 futuristic music a weekly feature here at the cloud.

The mercury will not likely reach 16 today so a bike ride is out. A nice walk might be in order as I spied some ducks on the lakes and ponds off of Lake Forest this week. I can’t confirm but white specs in the distance COULD have been buffleheads the brilliant white sides and head patch gleaming in the daylight sunshine.

Finally, YES FINALLY, I need to make some plan(s) for the upcoming week. Thanksgiving and all that. I can’t remain in Full Disclosure mode here for I MAY be out of the cloud and Grace Jones and her drones, snakes and killer bees will be patrolling the perimeter. Not going to tip off any thieves, burglars or bandits here. I mean I may not leave at all and if I do I am not telling.

Let’s just close by saying there is more going on here beneath the surface that I cannot quite divulge as yet. I have Tupp’s coming up so preps there. The Gallery is open for appointment(s) as is the studio. There are Christmas gifts underwork and year end plans not even mentioning the New Year.

So you can clearly see that just beneath the surface things are bubbling.

That’s all I can Sharon Tell for the time being.

Bill out. More or less.

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