Notice with today's date designation there are (is ?) NO SPACE and everything is running together. Well, as the Blessed day approaches, that’s just how it is.
OK. File this one under either ‘It takes a village’ OR ‘Do a good deed.’
So I walked into JoAnn’s, the local craft, fabric and hobby store here in McK. It’s a Tuesday, the sun is shining intermittently and it’s chilly. There is NO BOSS.
Before I get off the welcome mat, there is a little creature screaming. Think crowded airplane, a piercing howl. Almost but not quite at the dB level of a dentist drill a spinning.
My instant assessment is a damsel in distress, protocol deafcon V. A young Mom, two little boys, one sitting quietly in the business end or basket of the cart while Omar the Howler in the shotgun seat is the source to be dealt with requiring remedy. Omar is about 1 or 2 and I astutely notice no tears. And Mom is struggling.
So I walk over and just stand behind the cart, look down and stare at Omar. He looks at me, hesitates to look at his Mom and when he does, I also give Mom a quick look & a wink so she knows what’s going on and reassure her I am not a pred or perv.
Omar gives one more short, small whimper and shuts up. I hesitate for a moment to make sure he remains quiet staring at him the entire time then turn on my heel and walk away knowing mission accomplished. Omar is of course clueless, Mom is much relieved and says something like ‘Why don’t you do that for me?’ to Omar as peace returns to the store.
I know. Right ?
Times like this you want to have a silver bullet or an iconic calling card or a PayPal account or receive an award for preserving the peace.
Sorry. Laundry. Got to go. Perhaps more later. Besides, I can’t recall it at the moment. Label it Holiday stress you who are so fond of labels.
Bill OUT:8:52am

7:41pm.Bill IN.
Yeah so it was another smashing day. Got out, finished a project and got some cleaning done as well as laundry. NOT ALL the cleaning but put a dent in it anyway.
Got some relaxation in, ventured out for a couple of visits. I watched a couple of episodes of Enemy at the Door one of the slowest moving programs I have ever watched. I can’t or couldn’t recommend OR watch it with another living human. I think one would have to be a fan of history, WWII and BBC dramas. I mean the acting is good, the story line is true and accurate and it comes across as very authentic. But the action is like watching paint dry. There was an episode today that had some real ‘action’ which was an awakening.
OK. I thought I would be able to generate some energy and more enthusiasm here tonight but not so.
The Stars are playing the Brooklyn Islanders and are tied at nil after one. The radio account is so much better to have going in the background where the game seems quicker and far less commercials and the sickening replays over and over and over from every conceivable angle.
The finished project will be dropped off for delivery sometime tomorrow for a Christmas gift. Then settle in after Mass at 4:00 for the evening.
S1 is supposed to stop around however I have not heard from him today. If not Christmas eve perhaps he will bless me with his presents on Tuesday.
But it doesn’t matter and frankly either way is fine.
I have things to do like now laundry. Make the bed, clean linens and night clothes so that is a treat.
And the Stars can make things interesting if they start playing inspired.
Bill out. Again.