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Ocho F 19

XLVIII. This will be a 48-hour recapitulation looking forward AND in the rearview. Unprecedented really but it is cold. How cold is it?

I am so glad that you axed as it is approaching record zones, the stoppage of molecular motion here at the cloud certainly keeping the Earl inside this day. In fact I have laptop1 set up inches from the fireplace because any further away the burning wood has NO benefit and pointless.

The warmth for the record is luxurious.

Single digit crib side 9, upper deck 11 and 12 downstairs. Since it is a Friday the schedule is easily trimmed and cut back which today took little thought. No shower or bathing required.

Yesterday things starting dropping so I pulled in the Friday supply shopping so today would be free.

The lone excursion out this day will be to Donnie’s for some wood and drop the damaged phone off in the prepaid package. Get that back and off the plate.

Emma checked in. A CORRECTION to the timetable for those of you tracking at home, Emma & Sir Ron HAVE vacated the ranch OFFICIALLY and as of last week are in the new quarters. Keep PRAYING that the move from one outback to another will unfold smoothly.

Yesterday the painful process of setting up the newest phone began. Perhaps more accurately and optimistically ‘CONTINUED’ should be the descriptor.

T-mobile customer service ends pretty much with the sale. Once they swipe the card and have the funds, it’s ‘NEXT’. Same as anywhere.

Minimal support and forget about mapping over my favorite & most treasured ringtones. I tried again this morning and simply gave up.

Some apps & features are lost and not worth reinstalling such as linkedin. Worthless.

One benefit of the 'conversion' is out with the marginal and discover newer AND cooler.

Both new phones INSIST on asking for ‘location’ and pushing ads for facebook which were VERY annoying UNTIL I realized checking the box ‘do not ax again’ actually worked.

A new app discovered is Pluto tv. A ‘free’ tv app and right now watching Dragnet. So now in addition to the radio show if I am lucky I can catch back-to-back episodes on the smallest screen. The NEXT STEP is figuring out how to get the signal run thru the telly WITHOUT being ‘monetized’ (iow RAPED by the ATT’s or spectrums of the world. Realize Fans that once again it is not, repeat NOT my highest priority.

Last night on free local radio the Stars lost in OT to the Predators in Nashville.

I worked on a couple or more accurately again a NUMBER of projects and that momentum will continue today ALL day as I watch the wood burn and feed the fire.

OH… Dennis the Menace follows Dragnet on the Classic tv station on pluto. Earlier a colorized episode of the little Rascals was hilarious. All the gang, Alfalfa, Spanky, Buckwheat and Darla. The first meeting of the He-man Women Haters club. They elected Alfalfa president in absensia IMMEDIATELY after he sent a ‘love note’ to Darla. He was nearly impeached but slipped out of one knoose to another.

Yesterday morning while working paperwork as in taxes, banking, budgeting and financial planning in the office that doubles as a shrine, I hear this ‘thump’ high on the glass window. It was gentle and not strong enough to break the glass. Most curious as I was not sorting it out quickly for I have no paperboy to toss an errant paper that far off the mark.

So before I can get completely out of the chair in rapid succession 1,2 and a third similar ‘thump, thump … the same thump again. This time I look up and out and see a clue. A small feather flutters and another.

I separate the blinds and see a hawk guarding two limp bodies of the colorful cedar waxwings. He was apparently chasing them down and they crashed into the window. I watched for a few minutes as the vigilant hawk kept his head up and moving looking around for and to any threats to him or his light lunch. There was that universal look in his eye that said ‘go ahead, just try SOMETHING’ and I’ll rip your eyes out and have those for dessert. There was no fooling around, joking or messing around at this moment and place in time. The Hawk was The Boss.

As I scrambled inside the castle and then fumbled with the now two (2) smart phones to locate the camera app, the Hawk took off with one of his prizes leaving the one broken, limp and twisted body on the cold macadam.

Life in the cloud.

It goes on.

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