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Greetings from McK and the cloud-base of the Acclimator. It’s Tuesday and after two, TWO (2) ‘C+’ entries, it’s time for a rebound effort. So here goes nada

Starting with the numbers, outside a bone chilling 2, crib side 9, upper deck 11 and the lower deck checks in at 12. I am propped up between the sheets, under the Siberian comforter while the heat is now on to chase out the chill and I can start the day proper. It is 37 which converts to 98.6 F should you be keeping score at home.

Delightful day yesterday and hoping for a repeat today. ALL outside activities were cancelled FLAT OUT, no ifs and or butts.

I built a solid little fire late morning and kept it going. The next trip out is Wednesday and I have activities stacked up for then so I can goof off and work again today a cc of yesterday.


I worked on a number of projects, started a couple and made progress on many more.

I began a huge, timely exercise organizing the Jewelry department. Recall I cleaned up the little compartment boxes and they are now completely dry and I did one (1) drawer and set up an excel ss with a grid and locations to know EXACTLY where each type of what is so fast searches will be a great feature. This will be something new and a severe departure from opening EVERY little drawer for a certain bead. Unprecedented.

This Friday, Saturday and Sunday is the big bead show in Grapevine so IF I have any empty spaces and find some cool things I can’t live without, I WILL have room to fill.

I did design and fashioned a small incense burner. I tested it on the high-dollar green rocks from Zelda the gypsy at the Tupps show a few weeks ago. I used the black coated wire grid-mesh and newly acquired wire-wrapping skills and it looks kind of artsy-fartsy AND it WORKS.

I am one or two steps away from finishing a couple of large bases for sculptures to display tropical fish. Were it warmer inside yesterday the glossy polyurethane would have dried much faster. A close inspection this morning first thing reveals a second coat after some light sanding as the finish ran a bit and dried unevenly. That must be fixed.

No one knows that it sometimes it is NOT easy being a artist especially when one operates to the highest of standards.

I booked theater tickets for a week from Saturday night. Kjell’s in.


Oh I know. Talk about living a dream.

Tomorrow as alluded to earlier will be Bill’s big day out consolidating trips & multiple stops.

Special Ed has agreed to lunch which is always a fun time. An exchange of texts this morning nailed down a mutually agreeable location.

I met a young lady recently that claimed to have actually taught Special Ed. I ALMOST said good for you.

‘Many have tried but all have FAILED.’

But I didn’t holding my tongue as my Mom would say. I am getting much better at it Mom.

Must stop at SOHO and meet with Robin. Recall she wants a table for a seamstress friend and we discussed preliminary design features last week. Yesterday she sent a text with better more firm dimensions. This is good because the size is smaller therefore easier.

I have been in contact with my brother and probing his expertise on making tables. He has done a few and is a trusted source for information and such data.

Emma checked in. She is exercising patience with the in-progress move. One thing about corresponding with E is she will occasionally use words that I have to look up. The ‘average’ person doesn’t do this and consequently over time their vocabulary shrinks to nothing so when dementia and Alzhiemer's set in all they can do is babble a few nonsensical words.

Also, Emma also enlightened me that she is allergic to cats.



By that secondary avoidance, Emma reduces GREATLY the risk of Toxoplasma gondii. I am working on supporting evidence that this is an alien genetic experiment and is a time bomb waiting to go off.

Some studies recently published and some even posted here on this vehicle if acted upon will or should reduce the population of the herd AND these despicable creatures. People harboring multiple domesticated felines are too far gone to be concerned about and not worth saving. Hey, I didn't take THAT oath or vow.

I have a number of important miscellaneous correspondences to print and mail out today yesterday being the Federal holiday and no mail.

The Monday observance for ‘President’s’ day will vanish on the new calendar according to Bill. The 12th will be observed for Lincoln and 22nd for Washington.

The same general global rule will be observed for every president. Except Nixon, LBJ and the Bushes. And Clinton while we’re at it.

Movie reviews last night ... NONE to recommend. The First Purge is an absolute, complete and total waste of time. A sorry premise going in and weak appealing to only movie addicts and those main lining cat poop. After almost 20 minutes it was back in the case. I mean I couldn't find a strong enough brown bag (airline bag) fast enough.

The Accountant was a very weak vehicle 'starring' Been Aflack. As far as acting goes, he is approaching the depth of J Depp. IOW, nada. Lacking in just about every category the flick started slow and got worse going downhill RAPIDLY if one were actually measuring. I am guessing before half-time The accountant was done and out.

The previous night Cloverfield I reached the end and then I axed myself two (2) big questions. Why and what happened? Still a No Recommend. And get this ... THERE ARE SEQUELS !!

One checked out dvd left and maybe courage will return tonight. Stranger Things is a netflix original series so I am sensing the soap opera alert with sirens, whistles and smoke ALL going off.

I have been watching more on Pluto tv on the smallest screen the past week. A lot of new movies, old GOOD movies and even old tv shows. Matching up from Old Time radio the early tv shows Dragnet and the Lone Ranger. The Lone Ranger in color is Biblical. Silver COULD win the Kentucky Derby EVERY YEAR.

I looked for Charade at APL but they didn't have it. I watch a small segment between commercials and it looked pretty good.

The downside is commercials. It seems like the longer you watch the closer the commercials get together. I would bet that is part of their algorithm.

Early AM episode had 'the Gem Hunter' buying emeralds in Bogota, Columbia. Very cool & extremely interesting. Negotiating thru an interpreter and the prices. Between commercials they even went down in a mine. Thousands of feet under this mountain. The main characters were leaning a little far towards the slimy side so the next commercial I turned it off and fell back to sleep.

OK, that’s about it for now.

I COULD go on naturally however I MUST keep the Quality high as the NEXT pledge drive is rapidly approaching. Besides, it is now getting warm enough to roll out and resume planned activites.

I mean there is some reading time that I need to set aside some time for. I have reached the half-way point of the latest and I WOULD NOT recommend this book to only a very few people.

Unless you understand evolutionary biology or even possess a curiosity it will float right over your head.

As a biology major, it is a good ‘refresher’ but for what purpose IDK for there WILL be NO TEST. New words, scientific names, places and events around the Sea of Cortes make it appealing. Plus I have the coffee book for cross-referencing.

I am finding that the 10-minute workouts make warming up a great deal easier so get that done and out of the way.

And like I need a little more incentive to hunker down, it has started to rain IAW the ‘forecast’. Nice.

We need it. Might just as well. Today I shall NOT stop it NOR complain.

Bill signing off for now.

Time to cut, post & dash.

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