Ash Wednesday
A late report, post game entry or recapitulation from this significant day. Forget the numbers. No question of the importance and the religious significance of today in the grand scheme of things.
I had a couple of tales worth mentioning.
The schedule had a 9:00 meeting with customer of the table but I had the recurring trouble with the printer making a hard copy of the material costs and expenses for the table I wanted to present.
So I saved the file to a stick and after 8:00 Mass stopped at Office Depot to get it copied. Hopefully real quick.
Wrong. Again. SO WRONG.
Seems my gal Kayle had moved on from the OD copy center and the new idiot had them backed up so I spotted a lady at a self-service copier.
After a few qualifying questions, she agreed to help he. I am certain she spotted the black cross of ashes on my forehead and either felt sorry, knew what it meant or perhaps she just had a kind heart
Anyway, she helped me IMMENSELY and was even going to pay with her card as it was handy ($0.12) but I insisted she NOT do that and after some self-groping located mine.
So that was a positive experience to begin the day.
At 12:30, there was the monthly art appreciation lecture at the Heard-Craig. Subject was Norman Rockwell and as usual the presenter Claire Robinson (PHD) did a great job. She explained Rockwell was more an ‘illustrator’ than an artist and what the difference was. The icon was meticulous and also had to deal with some Family mental health issues.
Afterwards, Heard-Craig Executive Director Karen had a small job for me to do and we got the sign hung up quickly without harm nor injury. I was then on my way.

I stopped at Donnie’s on the way home and cut out three (3) Vanderloosi angel fish. I am most anxious to get one (1) or all three of these to the painting stage. This is a first IOW ‘new’ very rare species of tropical fish and frankly I am quite excited about it and wanting to get after it.
Emma checked in from Oz. As things begin to warm up here the chill(s) of Winter are starting to break in there. She and Sir Ron are about to move again before the Big Trip to the High Plains of Texas Outback and aka Lubbock.
Oz (Aus) sounded so much better that ‘Lubbock’.