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A Ate 19

Early Monday, pre-dawn and dark is about all. This is the ONLY planned entry this week unless there is some sort of anti-miracle but even THAT has happened here.

What I mean is that it is a very full week and the art show season truly begins this Friday so the big push is on to build inventory as in finish projects that can be sold and converted to cash, funds aka working capital.

Yesterday and last night I finished carving two (2) brand new shore birds and they are primed and ready to paint as soon as it gets light enough. This operation of painting is a marathon and once started one MUST be in the mood and ready to be courageous, clever, creative and above all patient. To be in a hurry but not rush if that makes any sense.

The coffee is grande hot & black. It is a bust tho. A ‘flavored’ Hawaiian blend with chocolate and coconut. Sounds elegante and decadante but frankly I can’t taste it. I am 100% sure it is regular run of the mill Arabica only in a ‘specially’ printed bag to lure and hook saps and suckers that do not understand coffee can not be flavored.

I can’t taste it !!

Tonight there is the monthly potluck for the McK Creative Community. Not sure yet if I will attend. I can’t decide.

Tuesday there is a Steering Committee meeting. Must step up there and exercise some real leadership as things are getting off course and out of control. Totally.

Thursday is the first round of the Masters so I will want to be near telly’s as much as possible OR maybe I’ll stream it to the phone. (?)

Friday is the first day of Arts in Bloom which runs thru Sunday downtown in McK on the square. The ‘bad news’ is the weather forecast is not only rain all weekend but THUNDER showers Saturday. NOT GOOD as Saturday is 2nd Saturday and rather than participate in AiB I had planned to set up in front of SOHO. Robin should be now back in town so must meet this week to work up some kind of plan.

Sunday I am again SUPPOSED to work at the WWAF in Houston. Talking to FB over the w/e rain is scheduled there as well. May not travel is it is raining there.

So in closing, let me just say this week I shall be busy doing what I do best. Piloting, managing and directing events, navigating life and trying to maintain some sort of course and direction.

If there is an entry here before NEXT Monday, odds are things exploded and the result was a debris field littered with free time.

Alternate title: Ocho A 2019.


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