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First My 19


Well THIS PART of ‘we’ certainly does not think so.

Are you a therapist now? Or just pretending?

It matters not.

I have some ‘free time’ between appointments this morning and it is not long enough of a gap to work. I couldn’t change cloths and re-clean up and to start painting and get on a roll then have to stop and leave would not be a way that I wish to operate.

You will notice that the month abbreviation has changed. New month and since ‘March’ uses the ‘M’ designation and using ‘Ma’ for ‘May’ could create confusion with 'March' using the ‘first vowel’ rule, in Mays case being short letters all that is left is ‘y’.

That’s the story. Stick to it por favor.

Very humid here today and deathly still. Forecast is for rain which is ideal for painting and will start after returning from the Art history lecture at the Heard-Craig Center for the Arts. Originally scheduled topic was Winslow Homer however program changed to the Fire at the Notre Dame cathedral.

I must confess that when I first heard this news story my reaction was ‘great’ and I assumed it was the university and had hoped the entire campus was leveled by the fire.

Then I learned upon further reading a short bit after the headline that it was the cathedral and the emotion went to sadness and heartbreaking. I heard speculation the fire might have been deliberately set but stopped reading at that point. I would be neither shocked nor surprised if this speculation turned out to be fact. The media would or IS down-playing it in either case so as not to offend the Islamic brother hoods.

Work on projects continues like a madman. I finished two corkboards last night and the highest priority today is finish painting three (3) projects. Currently working on a hummingbird, three (3) tropical fish and one shorebird and POSSIBLY one (1) duck as a ‘stretch’ goal. It would be easy to start painting the duck at the show Saturday as a little demo but now the forecast shows chance of rain in Houston to this ‘news’ adds to both the frustration and tension.

I need to plan the loading of Silver carefully. I mean I only have so much ‘space available’ for display(s) and product. What I don’t finish staging today I can wrap up tomorrow.

That’s enough. I think I have time for breakfast.

Supper last night was the remainder of the beet soup that most of which was frozen and the leftover bbq’d sausage. It was grande. A little more of each left for tonight.

Stars v Blues Game 4 tonight in a late start. Can’t figure out why 8:30 but HAS TO BE tv related.

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