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12 M 19

The lights are on, but you’re not home … a rare evening entry as tomorrow is the dreaded one-three (13) AND perfect timing for the Mother’s day celebration recap. It was a grande day indeed.


I guess I axed for it.

First, I called and sent Mom a card. She said last week NOT to but as I explained in the note some children NEVER listen anyway. She TOLD ME that she would just get out the old ones from years past I had sent and reread them (those?) for amusement.

The 2019 HHH100 training began with a ‘longer’ training ride on the racer complete with helmet.


You left out Italian DESIGNER shades and yes. Thanks for axing.

This would be the ‘informal’ (aka early variation or modification to) the formal regimen that starts 1 Ju.

I surprised myself with the pace completing OVER 24k in just under the planned or estimated target of one (1) hour. This was a great start but conditions were about perfect. Light breeze, swirling with an occasional sustained headwind. Not too hot more coolish when starting but naturally things warmed up. Traffic was still traffic and if you EVER was to see a collection of the world’s most inconsiderate morons sometime get on a bicycle.

I spent sessions before and after in the spa which was vunderful. Still not getting hot enough.

Of the painting projects I worked on, the BBWD decoy saw the most progress.

I did do laundry and some cleaning before the hives broke out and I had to stop.

Finally, I worked on plans for this week, the upcoming weekend, the Colonial which is right around the corner and the rest of my life which included financial planning.

Should be a noteworthy night for sleep with the perfect storm of exercise, spa time and clean sheets.

Life is good.

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