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Friday 17 M 2019

If you had the privilege to view my actual hard activity and planning calendar, you would see today, the 17th is blank. Since this will or would NEVER do, things are kind of open to take an extra breath and figure things out or sort out some kind of plan(s) for today, tomorrow, the weekend which is similar but NOT the same, next week and frankly the rest of my life.

After consulting my journal from yesterday, I discovered a Priority item to address IN ADDITION to yard work such as trim & edge and mow. So here is how a major league plan is drafted and comes to fruition to make for a successful day.

Lately here one of the first things a successful knight, squire or warrior chief-in-training is to check the weather. This little feat is accomplished with the aid and assistance of some ‘technology’ of question aka the ‘smart’ (part-time for the record AND subject to debate) phone.

This warrior Cit has the shortcuts down and will share it to boast and share a ‘hint from Hell’ tip, 21st century in memory of Heloise.

Open a browser, I use goggle chrome and select ‘open an incognito’ tab from a drop-down. After entering ‘mckinneyweather’ once or twice, all one has to do is enter the ‘m’ and it comes up. BINGO … you have ELIMINATED multiple keystrokes saving seconds now but over the year HOURS and over the course of one’s life YEARS of typing.

Anyway, peruse the weather. Like today, partly cloudy. Whiskey tango foxtrot WHAT is THIS? Is it like the wine glass half-empty or half-full? Is there going to be more sun or more clouds?

So much for THAT technology. I might be WRONG anyway or change so who cares?

This weather app also give the skipper a ‘heads-up’ for the next 10 (ten) days. This little reading shows rain again moving in ALL NEXT WEEK, during the week so the artist is slightly PUMPED UP about painting however sinks almost immediately into depression as the training regimen and schedule will be wrecked. And I was doing so well. Dropped three (3) pounds already and starting looking at the next target.

Meal planning and food aka ‘fuel’ is getting better nutritionally. The trip to the tree farm included a short side trip to a local roadside farm stand and I picked up a watermelon and the first of the seasonal fruits & vegetables. Trying to sort out now meat or fish. It is Friday and it is hard to shake the urge for fish. I have almost a longing for a piece of red meat, a steak as in something to celebrate. It has been awhile and the week was huge. I mean just look back a couple of entries.

Huge tax refund, art & business opportunities, the arrival of a large box of exotic (IOW EXPENSIVE) wine from Pat in FL.

A steak and a rich red, on the little charcoal grill, cooked in the cast iron potato, onion and mushrooms as some sort of simple little tomato & sprout salad …

I got to go.

The American poet Robert Frost once said in one of his classics … ‘and miles to go before I sleep.’

Or was it Carl Sandburg?

Times like this I am glad I had Mrs Stull for a 2nd grade teacher but REALLY glad she isn’t grading my work. Or Mrs Laidlaw (3) Mrs Baker (4 and doubled as Principal) and Mrs Merritt (5). Sixth grade, Mrs Michel, I was in love.

I got to go. All the right reasons.

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