Once again missing opportunities like yesterday 7-7. I even had a clever opening that failed to launch. ‘He woke up in a casino in BSL, MS playing on a slot machine and three cherries came up on the display and all he could think about was the Cardashian sisters.’ See the image.

So now it is 38 June and in other years this could be a numerically significant ‘holiday’ but in 2019 it is only significant ‘7-8’.
In 1990, whoop-d-do 7-8-90. Probably wasn’t even mentioned.
From the dazed and confused state of Florida, and this WILL (COULD) BE the NEXT issue with global warming solved or at best settled, ‘Open season on GREEN iguanas’. Just wait until AOC gets wind of THIS. ‘HEY, they’re GREEN and green is good’.
It’s a Monday and I have a boatload of things to do none of which is reporting.
I did work at the gallery downtown over the weekend. Saturday to be Pacific. My most recent misadventure back into retail working for everybody else selling THEIR work and NOT my own will wear thin eventually however PERHAPS not before my self-imposed 3-month trial or ‘probationary’ period comes to an end.
A simply delightful customer came in and I engage and before one could say ‘can I help you?’ we were in the deepest of conversations.
A very pleasant lady, she reminded me of Kjell with a sparkling eye and alluring and beguiling smile.
About the same height which was on the short side but that’s neither here nor there.
I finished one book and almost immediately began another.
Very well. I finished Checkmate which is/was a cast-off from APL. I think I bought it for $0.50 or $1.
It was a face-paced action, adventure, spy, suspenseful thriller. A woman wrote it that was a White House insider during the Reagan years. Kind of mushy in parts as the girl got the guy and other parts I found to formula and quite predictable. But a good value.
I then started a book from an admirer that arrived US Post by Sebastian Barry ‘The Secret Scripture’. Drats, I thought to self, another title I cannot use.
I started reading it with glimpses BEFORE finishing Checkmate and thought it was going to be dreadful prose and deeply boring but once picked up full time is flows nicely. Must reciprocate the gift and giver.
Things are settling down and getting back to normal as the summer drags on. Excessive warmth relieved with relaxing dips and casual swims in the cement pond.
Training ride on the agenda this morning and some lighter yard work BEFORE the gets too warm.
A series of explosive bowel movements is keeping me on the keyboard and close to home at the moment. The THOUGHT of getting dressed for a short 40K ride is not real appealing at the moment.
I am HOPING this will pass shortly. If it drags on the plan becomes simply reschedule until tomorrow the next ‘open’ day.
Easy one.
Without question something I ate. I bought a bag of cherries to snack on and last night during the movie I noticed a couple were slipping towards nasty. So I am THINKING at least one of them PERHAPS had aged a little too far. Perhaps. One NEVER knows for certain.
Perhaps the milk was out a little too long.
Perhaps that slice of watermelon or the hard-boiled egg went bad. Or perhaps the last of the alfalfa sprouts were a little too far gone.
Now that I think about it, it could be a number of sources.
I MUST get back on the more ‘regular’ diet with the fiber and oatmeal. I have been skipping breakfast of late and the loaded oatmeal is causing problems with my ‘regularity’ today anyway.
I mean who knows. You NEVER know.
OK. I am written out and going to attempt to cut the tether to the toilet and venture out. Being the good Boy Scout the ounce of prevention (being ‘prepared’) will be to take along a couple of squares of …
Bathroom tissue just in case.
Better to have it and NOT use it than need it and NOT have it.