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Sunday 44 June

How wonderful it is to have Sunday morning, free and clear, to fill with whatever strikes ones Fancy. Last week recall due to work over-run at the gallery, I missed the opportunity for Saturday Vigil Mass but NOT yesterday. Today, right NOW, reaping that reward.

I almost hate to say this but I am pressed for time once again so there, I said it.

FAQ since last report: Hotter than Hades 100. Trying to avoid using 'Hell' as the little ones are aging quickly and just getting into a healthy habit. Why I was thinking last night what a great segway into ancient Greece and their mythology. (!)

'Grandpa, what's Hades ...?'

Well, let me tell you Sweetie ...

Saturday mornings are the GDR (graduated distance ride) and still 105k until early August when the program starts bouncing up in distance each week. Superb to stellar ride and Thanks to all of those how axed.

I was totally prepped for this one and it paid off. Petroleum jelly on the feet especially heels and toes, sunscreen on the arms UNDERNEATH the lime green UV sleeves (spf 50) and a ZnO clear blocker on the nose, neck and face. The ZnO is the heavy duty material the golf pros use and goes on like glue so it needs to be REALLY worked in.

Anyway, the first three (3) hours I was moving along well at about a 24-25 km/hr clip and I was thinking, 'OK', (I was getting dehydrated), MAYBE four (4) hours was achievable but no today.

You see about .5k from liftoff I realized I forgot the shot blok energy chews.


Fair question(s) and with embarrassment here’s the logic or reasoning. It SHOULD make sense.

I have more rides to incorporate utilization for the Big Ride. There WILL BE more opportunities and I decided I would gather a data point as to WHEN I should have or WOULD have taken one (1) for the next time or reference.

Certainly near the end of the third hour or the start of the fourth and final hour I needed SOMETHING. I did two short timed stops (planned) for water and was able to grab shorter drinks at safety stops at the two (2) red lights on the circuit, loop or now I am calling them ‘orbits’. There is a long loop or high orbit and this is becoming too detailed and I am cutting this discussion off.

Good question tho.

Here’s and interesting article that caught my eye. A big Fan of Napoleon and things Nappy.

Emma finally checked in from Down Unda. Seemed a bit peeved going unmentioned in the last series of reports. Respecting your privacy dear. A beautiful correspondence (A+ spelling, grammar and content) complete with Oz Winter weather report. Temperatures were 5 and only got up to 9 during the day. Lots of wind and rain.

Easy C to F conversion and I don’t know why the US is lagging so far behind on this, 10 C = 50F, 16C = 60F and the rest or more next time.

So single digits is slightly cold. Zero (0) recall water freezes.

Look back and there are recorded temperatures crib-side 10 and below so yes cold, uncomfy or unbearable, not so much.

So far this morning it has truly been partly _. Fill it in with ‘cloudy’ or ‘sunny’. It was brilliantly sunny earlier, now much darker as clouds roll in. Rain chances published at 15 % (max) thru-out the day.

As mentioned and as always much to do.

REALLY keen at the moment to work on spec signs but there are also a couple of shorebirds in final painting stages as well as a few tropical fish and one (1) spotfin butterfly fish to start painting which is an easy one.

The Fall show season window is approaching so building inventory is getting to be a higher priority.

But first, back to watering the plants.

Inside and out.

Toots as in toot-a-flute.

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