XLV Junius
Superb day and only expecting more of the same. The training ride was put out of the way early and a small story there and a few odd links to articles that are either too stupid and hilarious to skip and NOT share.
Today’s image fits as I was in a quandary with the day/date thing.
I decided to stay with the Roman numerals because the Romans were great and deserve it. I had originally intended to edit the image to remove the “ ‘s” and the dot (.) but it got way too complicated and IOW I simply did not have the time to sort it out.
The .45’s were the original teams from Houston that changed their name to the Astros a couple of year later. They were known as the Houston ‘Colt 45’s’ and uniforms, caps and swag at the time featured PROMINENTLY a LONG six-shooter.
Do YOU see anything a little wrong with that as far a PC goes? NO WAY today. The Washington Bullets, nka the ‘wizards’ was changed suddenly in a hurry some years back same story. ‘Too suggestive’ of violence and guns which is of course crapola.
I mean I would buy season tickets TOMORROW to see the Allen Assault Rifles or the Frisco SharpShooters.
Back to the ride, then weather links and out.
Timing was perfect wrt traffic flows but the safety slows and stops hurt the time but only slightly. The wind was light the entire 1.4 hrs and the max speed according the OBC was 40kmp which is stunning.
On board computer … it tracks such things per ride. Cool huh ?
I also ran an experimental trail with a shot blok. I took one at the start and let it dissolve and more on this next entry. I took one only because I have SO MANY. I swear it COULD BE a life time supply.
Next ride would be Wednesday for a hard HIIT 24k (15 m) which could be an hour or just under.
The weather peeps are predicting the high today approaching 40. Only 38 but close enough for milestone and temperature converting tutorial. Recall from Emma and the reverse seasons Down Unda: 10 = 50 (f), 16 = 60 and 40 = 100 (38 actually but we CAN FUDGE at this range and NO ONE will notice).
The plan is spec signs, multiple painting projects alternating with dips into the cement pond and reading with naps as well until things get uncomfy. Then repeat the dip part.
Is THAT a Plan or what?
From that ever sterling source of dubious information, the Huff Post. Actually SOUNDS like a lot of hot air.
These ‘rednecks’ are most likely bots the numbers are so high. Imagine the USAF machine-gunning down such zombies setting onto area 51. (Not sure either way … ???)
The current read confirms therapists have mental issues bigger AND larger than normal people such as me and you.
Here’s a tip from Bill to fix a sexless marriage. GET LAID !! Turn up the passion, get hot, necked and JUST GO like no one’s looking. Drop in or que up some Social Distortion or Ted Nugent and forget about tomorrow.
AND FINALLY, THE BEST for last. Number 3 could be linked to #2 IDK. SOME such sunbathers SHOULD BE COVERED for all the right AND wrong health AND aesthetic reasons.
I vaguely recall on a trip to Mexico the gf of that time and I were quietly reading on the beach in cabana lounge chairs. I did not have my glasses on nor my contacts in so my vision range was very limited. Like arms length.
As best I recall the beach was fairly deserted maybe one couple on a blanket on the sand.
Well, the malice unit informs me to ‘keep my eyes in my head’ as both ladies were you guessed it Europeans sunbathing topless and apparently thinking nothing of it. The God’s Honest Truth.
I couldn’t even see that far let alone notice and forget about ogling.
‘Thanks for pointing that out honey.’
This WAS the former x aka ‘therapist' now on hub #4. And that was the LAST I knew. I WOULD NOT be a bit surprised hearing that one dissolved as well. But who is keeping score.
Speaking of keeping score at home, late in the day I called ESPN to complain about a problem.
I found a number, called it and rather quickly I got to a ‘summer intern’ somewhere in NV which is in the US. I told him the story.
Sunday night I discovered the ‘marque’ radio game was 2018 World Series rematch RedSox v LA.
So I tuned in and had things set up real nice on the back deck as I enjoyed a cocktail, happy hour, watching the little fire get right for the pirate cookout. Menu: sliders, sliced marinated spuds and green onions all on the grill. Simply smashing.
Listening to the game, 5th inning Ralph Devers is thrown out at the plate on a clean hit deep by JD Martinez (the dh). OK. NP yet.
An hour later, maybe 45 minutes, same thing. Same play. Blow me down. (Popeye the sailor)
Am I going crazy, hearing things or simply nuts I wonder to self.
Then out loud, ‘No effing way’ this could happen again.
Perhaps a bird dropped a stealth poop bomb from on high into my beverage and I was poisoned accidentally.
For those of you (few) unvaccinated NOT into baseball, THEE American pass time, the odds of this occurring are somewhere between astronomical and no way possible.
With the story fully explained in detail, I axed the intern if something was ‘wrong’. Now get this.
I went on to just mention this was the kind of thing you MIGHT see in a rain delay …
Well, he checked, no rain delay, but they have a term for such ‘rebroadcasting’ and it is called ‘restitching’ so it neither out of the question or beyond the stretch of reality.
He had access to the box score or score sheet and Devers flied out in the 7th and walked in the 9th so it only happened ONE TIME.
I had heard it TWICE. I WAS RIGHT.
I told him to pass along that people ARE listening, some even paying attention and to cut the crap.
AND get this. He is going to look into it and call me back.
Check that. He TOLD ME he was going to look into it and call me back.
Now I am sure this probably won’t happen because this is exactly the kind and type of lie people participate in these days ALL THE TIME without even THINKING or even realizing it IS a lie.
My Father explained it to us growing up as a 'little white lie.' Thanks Dad for the heads-up. Once again spot on. Resting in Peace I sincerely Hope.
I’ll keep you all informed if I am wrong on THIS ONE but I kind of doubt it.