LIII Junius
A SPLENDID morning here at the cloud. A ‘cold front’ entered the region yesterday afternoon late and cooled things considerably making things quite pleasant.
Last night on the radio after failing to raise the DEWD and with the Rangers on the West coast starting later in Seattle, I managed to find the Frisco RoughRiders on the road in Arkansas playing the Travellers in Texas league action.
During the play-by-play game call, the announcer mentioned a ‘cool front’ was there too and was making for a ‘great night for a ball game.’ Which of course it was.
The Riders won and later I gave up on the Rangers. I was quite productive with tropical fish getting five (5) different fish multiple steps closer to painting. Today ALL need some work around the mouths and touch ups and then seal to paint first thing tomorrow morning. THEE MOST fun part of the painting process if there is such a thing.
There is by contrast a Imperial Angelfish that I WILL START painting as soon as I post this report.
This is an off day for training and I am in the process of organizing, planning and staging for upcoming travel.
Are you serious?
I can’t OR WON’T publish that here and risk losing the most valuable of my worldly possessions. I mean the artwork itself HAS TO BE worth a couple hundred bucks.
Here’s a link to an article about two (2) of my favorite subjects … therapists and s*x. NOT
NECESSARILY in that order. For the record, I did not waste my time to read it but found the headline amusing. Therapists are a first rate con job and let’s face it, there are many , MANY forms of organized crime and this is simply another example where a piece(s) of paper assures a license to steal.
This link is a TOTAL SHAM.
This is a ‘little long’ to type out … but let me sum up the fallacy(ies) here with THIS one just in case …
The ad shows a ‘hot, mature single’ and you can browse photos ‘for free.’
I had a ‘free’ minute, OK, a HALF-minute, and took it a step further and low and behold, ALL the pictures were Hollywood stars & starlets. ALL had every one of their teeth, I mean NOT ONE missing. ALL smiling and about this time I starts smelling a rat or a hundred.
Well, BEFORE you can ‘browse’ the ‘other’ photos ‘for free’, there is conveniently a page for …
Are YOU ready?
That’s right … YOUR (MY) credit card information.
There are time like this that reinforces the line from that song and help me here …
‘Life is but a joke …’