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V agosto 2019

Monday morning and nearing the end of Holiday. Very foggy atop the Hill and the sounds of cars carrying poor working stiffs on their commutes can occasionally be heard and drown out the loud crows and other birds trying to get a few notes in edgewise. When the crows take a breath, and there is a gap in traffic, they ARE there and can be heard singing contentedly.

The Soleil is about to break thru the fog and edge up over the trees to my left. As it did yesterday, the sun first lights the fog into a golden glow. That’s how you know it is getting close.


Well, yesterday we went to Mass. Sacred Heart hasn’t changed much except the priest. The server this day was a missionary from Tanzania and the second fleecing of the flock here was to improve the deplorable conditions there. I struggled with that before deciding.

After there was some brief socialization with some of Mom’s chums aka The Regulars. Little FBNG (aka GD1) was a hit. Cute in her dress, charming and young. Trying to recall I am guessing she was the only one in attendance less than ten (10).

I brought a couple of tropical fish, small painting projects and am actually making some progress on them.

Also, getting into the next read.


Not now.


Never far from the headlines of absurd news, I see that Mexico wins trophy for winning the homeless world cup of soccer. Opting NOT to waste my time with THAT tidbit of 'news', I am not sure what the story is there but will say I was TOTALLY UNAWARE of such an event. Now THAT should not come as a TOTAL surprise and one can only wonder if such a story is fake or faux news or simply a complete fragment of some struggling writers imagination.

My brother and I completed the task requested by Our Mother of sprucing up the white birch tree in the front yard. It turned into a two-day task due to safety concerns. You know me. Safety forth.

Took a SHAMELESS and UNRELENTING ribbing from FB & Co for knocking off early the first day due to 'safety'.

The last two cuts were WAY up in the tree near the far reach of the extension ladder therefore high risk and probability of crashing to the ground due to fatigue. Hand saw, loppers can wear one out so halting for another day resulted in an injury-free project. Once again. AHEM And give me an 'A-men.'

The Travelers ventured to Cooperstown for a day/side trip to give local hosts a ‘day off.’ Little GS1 with his little Chi Cubs cap was a hit. I purchased the long-anticipated Houston Colt .45 cap. This is ‘vintage’ replica when the team first was established in Houston and went on a couple of years later to become the ‘Astros’. A much more politically correct and timely name change.

We visited Uncle John in Browndale. If you ever want to know where I get my wit and sense of humor I am THINKING (out loud) this Uncle has it in spades, clubs AND diamonds.

He kept my Brother and I in stitches and especially out to lunch. He was a State Trooper and not the messing around with type. At ALL.

I am cracking up thinking about exchanges.

He moved in to my Grandparents old house and did a complete ‘do-over’ using bricks from the chimney on the interior which was spectacular. Everything was compact, efficient and looked very comfortable. Kind of like the cloud but smaller.

Speaking of which, tomorrow we ride. First to the airport, then fly to Houston arriving late and heading for McK the very next morning.

I need, MUST get back into the training regimen, the cement pond and my BED.

Oh I miss my bed.

And projects. The next big show is the Woodlands in September and THAT is coming up quickly and just around the corner. Looking for a ‘pop’ in revenue with healthier sales at this new show.

Oh, it nearly slipped my mind. Awoke to 11° this morning which IS CHILLY and approaching cold.

The COMFORTING thought (s) are it won’t last long and it will be a very nice memory after touching down in TX.

This is most likely it from the road so signing off to travel.

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