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16 August.  A Friday

Mild cause for celebration but ignition will be later today. Just a heads up for now. At any rate, I am already BEHIND schedule this morning for the day so high hopes for a stellar and sterling entry may be dashed … so be warned.

Birthday greetings already issued to Sister I (younger) with card and call. Spent too long on the phone. Card made it in time which is minor miracle.

Today’s image is ripening pineapple from the Pecan Hill Pineapple Research and Rescue Plantation and Mission.

A FOR PROFIT charity.

For the record, this is NO FLUKE as this represents the second (2nd) such pineapple to be grown AND harvested on the plantation.

Speaking of aloha (?), Son 1 (one) arrived and returned from Hawaiian adventure yesterday. Very excited and thrilled by the experience and stories galore. We have tickets for the RoughRiders game Thursday night and dollar beer night. S/b grand time.

That’s it.

As Faithful readership FULLY realizes I COULD go on, and on. AND on.

However, being fair to me, I am going to save some time and get after other list items before it gets blazing hot again today.

Here are some links retrieved from ‘faux news’ that are either too stupid or would serve as fodder for discussion but only a brief comment (Ed) underneath.

THIS is comforting. Another self-appointed ‘expert’ predicting doom & gloom. NEXT …

From the world of science … these HUGE snakes are going to take over. Catch & release in Wash, DC

This one alarmed me for a MOMENT then I saw UK. Loose screws there as well apparently. NEXT …!

This 'cute' criminal as a ‘politican’ is a complete and TOTAL JOKE. NEXT … and HURRY !!

From Cali as in where else ? Socialism and nonsense rule in the Land of Mucho Locos.

END >>>

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