Saturday 24 August
Wichita Falls, TX. Reporting from HH100 HUGE bike race in Wichita Falls northern Texas and Fans, this is what Sanchez label ‘nuts.’ Not sure why Boss send Sanchez to this shithole. All kinds and shapes of people (riders) and sizes of bicycles. Not seen anything like this. Ever. This not ‘sports’, this somewhere between maximus circus and zoo. Sanchez get paid small stipend for travel and lodging so what the hey and him make most of opportunity so here goes.
Before dawn riders with bicycles arriving, parking anywhere and everywhere in the dark. At around 7:00 am, them all line up neatly organized. Cannon blasts, jets and planes overfly and the herd of humanity start to move forward. Sanchez not ever seen anything like it. Quite amazing in actually.
People on side of streets nothing better to do ringing cowbells, clapping, cheering. Sanchez get into mood & spirit of fun event.
Hours later them start to finish. Some going wicked fast others very much out of gas.
Sanchez not covered event such as this so him slightly lost. So decide to do interview man on the street style. Him picks out a lowly looking rider, sweaty, hot and with medal around neck in his hand.
‘Hey you. Got a minute?’ Him wearing tags all over helmet, shirt 3929.
3929: ‘Are you talking to me?
GS: Yes. You got time for some questions and interview? I Guillermo Sanchez KWTF radio, tv and magazine.
3929: Not really. Who are you with? Is there some compensation here or is this a donation of some sort?
GS: You a comedian when not riding bike?
3929: Listen Pedro, if I need any crap out of you I’ll squeeze your head.
GS: Start over. Take two.
GS: How long you go?
(a long awkward silence …)
3929: I rode 100 miles.
(long awkward silence …)
GS: Why? You crazy?
(long awkward silence …)
3929: It’s a personal challenge and a goal. Did anyone ever tell you that you were incredibly rude and stupid?
(long awkward silence …)
GS: Sanchez heard that before. But does not impeded progress.
(long awkward silence …)
GS: How was ride today?
3929: Conditions were optimal like no year I have ridden here. The ride today was easier than ANY of the training rides preparing for this one.
GS: How long you train?
3929: Four days per week, rides from 24 and 45 K (2x/week) and a longer graduated distance ride since 1 June. It was about 165 k / week stepping up the final four weeks.
GS: Seems like a lot.
3929: As I said, training in the heat for weeks and having today be mild after yesterdays rain added to the cloudy skies I don’t think any rider would complain about conditions today. But someone will or would. Mark my words. They're out there.
GS: How you end up?
3929: I finished and had some left in the tank but not much. It was about 6:10 which broke my goal of seven (7) hours. Final stats and results are coming but overall right now at this moment in time yes, I am pleased.
GS: There you have it Fans. From Wichita Falls and the HH100, a happy rider.
(another long awkward silence …)
This is Guillermo Sanchez reporting from the 2019 Hotter than Hades 100 ride.