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September 1, 2019

A new day, new month clean sheet of paper and seasonal transition has begun. If none of this gets your heart pumping or blood flowing, have your endorphin levels checked. STAT.

So the question begging to be answered from Fans, Follows and stalkers regards the new calendar according to Bill. Yes, that’s PLURAL and a number of inquiries have been received. And that number is two (2).

Yes, Labor day WILL REMAIN a Monday Holiday complete and as practiced with the Flag out and flown proudly as an American tradition.

HOWEVER, over time and this is most likely after my timely passing, I am predicting the first Monday of every month will be an added observance of some sort. That’s all I can say for now.

Squeezed for time this Sunday morning and I have changed into shipwreck or castaway cloths after Mass ready to commence with the chores around the casa and thru-out the cloud.


Thanks for asking. In a word or two it was glorious and uplifting reinforcing yet again the lessons learned that others aka the unanointed and unclean are TOTALLY MISSING.

The new priest, Father Javier was the celebrant and he needs some work on his Homily pacifically his delivery. I have already met him twice and I KNOW the opportunity will again present itself to have a private word with him for some fine tuning and minor improvements which are in order.



At the monthly adult potluck. If you could see Fr Javier, I fully expect he will miss few of the monthly potlucks. He is right out of the seminary and 'rotund' leaves little to no room for growth if your catching my drift.

Elsewhere today at Mass, I learned ‘firstborn’ is one word and not two (2 or dos) as I have been using freely here. One of the readings I THINK or seem to recall OR BEST guess is the second (letter to the Hebrews 12/18-24) referred to the ‘assembly of firstborn’ which I found intriguing and obviously worth mentioning.

I forgot to carry along a pen so making notations was, well, impossible which is exactly why I am making this entry a priority before watering plants, art work, laundry and yard work so as not to forget any of the good material. I could NOT write ANYTHING down.

The gist of the message (Homily) from the readings was humility and being humble. Which I of course both practice AND preach. See Luke (14:1) one of my favs.

I was explaining to a candidate for Enlightenment the Flame, Flake and Fluke scale just last week and this message got me to thinking about another such scale call it the Pride or Humility scale.

Whatever you wish as in is the glass half full of half empty.

It could be a scale of 1-10 and when evaluating a candidate, patient or stranger ax yourself where does this individual fall on the Humility scale? Are they full of themselves (aka ‘shit’) or pride OR are they taking the lowly seat on the dais knowing they might be moved up (humility) to a higher seat.

I KNOW this has already worked for me. Like the time I took the lowly seat, wasn’t called and was glad I wasn’t or didn’t get called as it enabled me to make an early, silent and swift exit which at that moment in time WAS a Blessing.

Yet another example of God working in mysterious ways.


Yesterday was Kjell’s birthday. We actually spoke telephonically after exchanging a few textual messages. We even went way out on limbs and made some plans for joint weekend activities. Theater and the Artist & Chefs pre-screening which we attended one of the galas back in February. I took some action items on this one as the ‘program’ is three (3) hours and that seems much too long. I need to gather intel, shorten our stay and make an appearance as rock stars only taking in the good stuff.


Look, no more interruptions por favor. I am on a roll and duties ARE calling.

Anyway, before the interruption, that same day there is also a presentation at APL on the Maya which I am leaning towards before hand.

I pulled out of LaSt gallery opting NOT to renew my contract. The plan was a three (3) month trial and see what sales were and guess what?


You got ahead of me!

Exactly. So, sticking with the Plan redirecting resources (including time which is of course $$) elsewhere. Like online avenues. Rob helped me again this time setting up an instagram account but as with the etsy account am terrified and scared SHITLESS to fool with them.

This week, perhaps today I will finish the speculation sign. It is looking good.

S1 was planning to come up tomorrow but wants now to stop by today so I found in the deep freeze hot dogs and beans for a smallish pirate cookout. I expect we shall swim but the water will be too cold for a long dip for Yours truly. The chilling water is however beneficial for a firmer skin tone FYI.

Speaking of health which is a good note to close on, I finished the new book providing the ‘missing link’ between gourmet eating and longevity (food IS medicine). A wealth and treasure trove of new recipes and ingredients of the highest caliber and quality. Unfortunately I am 100% certain this will translate to the HIGHEST cost as well.

Let me cease and desist for now Fans and see it the Internet Gods and the chinese hackers will allow me to post up this lengthy gospel of wisdom and wit.

Ciao for now and remember what is just over the horizon. Fall, Winter and colder temperatures.

Many will be called, but few will be frozen.

Thanks Emma.

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