4 S 19
Dark. Later and later is dawn breaking. Much more noticeable this morning. I want to get up but the darkness keeps me in the crib until my mind clears, I find the FF switch and I roll out ready enough to attack the day.
This from the dumbAss mailbag. Recall on a past travel adventure the female imbecilenia with the ‘emotional support’ dog? A yapper no less.
Well, this takes it a step further. OK, ok so the ‘horse’ is a ‘miniature’ but a horse IS a HORSE. Unless of course the horse is the FAMOUS …
Todays image COULD BE MR Ed !!
Why I have HALF-A-MIND to walk up to the counter with Smarty Jones, Secretariat or Join in the Dance wearing a ‘emotional support’ harness and bridle WITH color coordinated leggings. One COULD not treat an animal in such an inhumane way.
I did but you once again miss the point. Totally.
Where does the idiocy stop?
Perhaps at YOUR house.
So it’s now Wednesday or as it rolls off Elke’s tongue Mittwoch. THAT sounds so much more elegante.
I lucked out with two really great movies this time from the APL. Highly recommend The Night Manager a six (6) part mini-series that is just about perfectly blended on all fronts. Great actors, taught storyline and outstanding setting locations. Be warned as your ‘parental advisor’ there is some s*x but trust me, it OK.
The bad guy gets caught in the end, the night manager gets the girl and happy ending. The John le Carre story is very well put to film and the smallish screen.
The Ice House was at last an unexpected surprise. Daniel Craig in an early role is delightful with a Scottish accent and as the detective sergeant and when he falls for and cracks one of the three (3) gay female leads, well, I won’t spoil it.
The BBC production had a light moment when the mob confronted the police and referred to the three as ‘witches’ and later ‘lezzies’ which got a chuckle out of your correspondent.
Socialist libtard. Go back to cali.

This morning reminded yours truly of the Twilight Zone episode where the lead character wakes up and the world has been destroyed overnight and he is the last sole surviving member of the human race.
He loves it at first and goes along merrily but eventually goes bonkers.
I think that story is ready for a remake and I would step up to both write and star in the lead role. Same lead-up but this time Everymon learns from the mistakes and has a ball dodging insanity and ALL obstacles.
Kind of like the way it is now.
It’s getting near dawn …