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November (N) First

The Halloween hangover has passed and only 364 shopping days left. Squeezed for time so right to the mail bag, inbox or incoming basket.

I went to Mass as it was a Holy Day of Obligation which this month just so happened to coincide with First Friday. I LOVE it when this happens. Growing up when Christmas fell on a Sunday, this little one axed why wasn’t Christmas ALWAYS on a Sunday (?) to avoid the extra visit.

Anyway, I went to 0800 Mass and as usual something good or a meaningful moment(s) made me much more appreciative, impressed and thankful. Concurrently waves of sympathy went out to the poor bastards that can’t see the light NOT to make the sacrifice, take the time out and connect with the Flock.

Father Eugene is a fantastic priest. He probably belongs on a college campus or seminary tending and nurturing the next upcoming crop of the same. He got my attention in the Homily when he mentioned social media and the harm commercialization is causing us as a society and civilization.

Good stuff.

For those inquiring minds, the calendar WILL contain an event or some sort of observance sometime during the most recently passed day to commemorate Saints, souls and the deceased. Because this holiday observance is so nebulous, I felt compelled to send the project to ‘committee’ to work out such things as what to call it, when it shall be observed, how the observance will be held with all details to follow.

For the record, I AM watching this ‘committee’ and they WILL BE held ACCOUNTABLE to a timetable and very specific milestones and if not, heads WILL ROLL.

Kinda delayed in Procrastination station this morning and I know it. It is cold outside and experiencing some difficulty getting started. Check that. It is cool inside. The sun shines and it will warm this day and reach 16° before the sol sets but only barely.

Here is the Plan for the next week. It is an exception and variation of a severe nature so pay attention. Por favor.

The 2019 McKinney Art Studio Tour (MAST) will be next weekend at last and FINALLY. As you regulars well know, this is a Large Event and requires the highest levels of planning and preparations. .

The sad part is I MUST do it all myself which does have some upside but more on that later.


NEVER you mind. I am on a roll.

As of this moment in time, I have two (2) schedules. The ‘work’ schedule is projects to complete which is totally unrealistic, flexible and perhaps more accurately a ‘wish list’.


I can do that.

This first schedule could be and would be called a ‘stretch goal’ back in the days (daze ?) of the corporate existence.

Projects that I would like to complete and have finished in time for the show leading to possible and potential sales, revenue and ultimately profit(s). And you KNOW ME, I have many, MANY more in process than can be realistically be completed in the allotted time. Needless to say expectations ARE tempered with this schedule.

There will come a point when this schedule will have to be cut off and ended and remaining projects just left as a 'work in process' and talked around to visitors and finsihed later for the next show OR possible commission thinking in the positive.

The second schedule is far more critical, firm and concrete.

This of course involves cleaning the castle, getting things all shipshape and tidy to receive guest, visitors, clients, patrons and the most vulgar of references … ‘customers.’

I am making every attempt NOT to stress too much over this, become overwhelmed and I THINK it is working. That said, and you know me, I have been putting a great deal of thought and planning into ‘How to Clean’ so I should be (s/b) ok.



When Navidad came to clean for hire, I made careful observations and made mental notes.


Shut up. One more interruption and the secrets stop.

She started by putting shoes in the closet in an orderly fashion. Paired up, together and all lined up.

At first I thought this a rather odd place to begin but overnight in sleep in came to me.

When cleaning and facing such a daunting task OR SET of Tasks, just start simple and slow and BUILD MOMENTUM. This is so absolutely Brilliant I SHOULD HAVE thought of it.

Gather energy and build on that first small sense of accomplishment moving on to the larger tasks.

That class is my intention and secret for today.

Next time will be in all likelihood into next week as I go into lock-down mode so do not, repeat, DO NOT BE ALARMED. I shall return.

Finally, Emma checked in. Settling nicely in Lubbock if that is even possible, she is in need of prayers. I committed and if you know any or are the ‘praying type’, say some for Emma. Much going on and far to much to detail here now. Suffice it to say that you or I would not wish to be having to deal with such things.

OK. Warming in the upstairs solarium, must cut, wrap and post this up and move forward. I think today I will set a timer on the sports watch for one (1) hour project work, one (1) hour cleaning duties.

Back & forth until a) an emergency arises, b) a legitimate interruption occurs or c) Mass preparations.

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