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FINALLY out of November, post Thanksgiving and now ‘officially’ I cannot wait for it to be over. And I still haven’t bought the turkey yet. But I DID get a rain check and should find the time this week to make the buy OR next week for sure.

Filed under REMARKABLE EVENTS, I had a great night of rest. The ‘clean sheets/night cloths’ phenomenon saw first wake at 5:17 which is a ‘full night’ in the medical dictionary according to Bill.

Observing the Scandinavian practice of rising at first wake, I got after things straight away.

Sometimes getting hit on the head is a ‘good thing’ (Martha I).

Emma from Lubbock checked in with her White Friday Thxgvg report of activities and updates. I am still NOT used to the change of address and ‘Oz’ sounds so much better.


Well put. I could not have put THAT better myself.


Houston was a blast. As is ALWAYS the case with such Family gatherings, more than once I axed myself that favorite question of the dozing therapist ‘why’ followed by ‘NEVER Again’?

But never say never for in this case of course, entrapment and a lack of credible excuse(s) WILL or MAY occur. Likely WILL.

GS1 was a pill at times as any two-year old. He and I were usually up first and he does NOT yet understand OR perhaps FAILS to understand that because he is up and awake EVERYONE else in the house should be ready to party as well.

His big sister, FBnextgen scratched my face in the spa enthusiasm getting the better of her. Said scratch was near the eye and very superficial, nearly healed but noticeable the next morning just the same.

Travel to and from was dreadful as construction and an accident near Huntsville caused a reroute on the return leg. Then torrential downpour and storms just crossing the city limits into Big D made the last 45 minutes a nightmare. I mean there were fools driving 60-70 in the downpour WITHOUT their headlights. I found this stressful.

Today I went skating with S1 aka Br12. It went pretty well and much stronger than the last time. Still far from game condition and confidence but progress is sometimes measured in smallish increments.

From the rink I went straight to the range for a session. It started poorly and the chilly wind was strong but I was hitting good solid shots by the end. Heading to Fort Worth tomorrow for an early tee time Tuesday morning. Forecast is for sunny but it doesn’t warm up until mid-afternoon which is one reason to get out and swat a few today as conditions will be similar.

Returning home the spa heated up in time to catch the Stars drop a matinee tilt to the Wild in the shoot-out.

I guess that’s it.

A couple of episodes of Father Brown, read a bit and get ready to head west. The Plan is to spend some time at the Kimbell for a look see at a Renoir exhibit.

New month, new day same chaos and hectic nonsense.

Check back later this week.

MUST finish the Christmas card design and the letter and get both to the printer.

Show at Tupps on Saturday and looking for some Holiday sales for gift givers but need to complete painting a couple of shorebirds as I expect those to sell.

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