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Morning entry. The first of how many this day God only knows and he is not sharing any of that right now because he was just born.

Greetings from the cloud, The Hill, B&B, gallery, studios, think tank and launching pad.

From all of the staff here extending greetings again to you and yours if you are and A or B lister.

Subscribers or free-loaders Merry Christmas.

So Good neighbor Poor Richard gifted yours truly a beautiful cd/dvd of 7.5 hours of mp3 files of Christmas carols, seasonal tunes from across the vast spectrum of genres, artists and styles. Quite nice, very soothing actually and right now where I am fully and functionally content.

I cooked a 18 pound turkey last night and checking this morning it could use a little more cook time. I mean it is probably done and safe to eat according to the label instructions but there is the one test it is not quite passing. I got the process down but must get after it.


Oh I know (famous Bullenscheisse retort).

But I am expecting company today and it is Family so that PLUS ship-shaping the castle are high-pri’s THIS MORNING.

More later if your lucky.

So aloha, Merry Christmas and Felix navidad.

Por favor. Over & out.

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