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17 J: A Friday

Up 2:00 minutes before the Dark hour (3:58) on 18 Eve and fired up, roaring and ready to go. If you are keeping score at home, you are at the very least aware if not familiar or knowlegable with cycles and rhythm specifically biorhythms. Biological rhythms occur with repeating frequency and regularity, can be measured and therefore are predictable.

Being born on the 18th, and with the three major cycles repeating since Day I, this giddy state of Euphoria is perfectly explained. It could also be interpreted as God’s working Divine Intervention OR Infinite Wisdom. Take your pick. In this case Life is a multiple choice.


In that case, Mission Accomplished. I KNEW I would.

Working my way into the early stages of Gilbert Chesterton’s Orthodoxy. Also known as GK, if I had enough children and more than 3-4 boys, one would be Gilbert but be called Gil. One would be Walter but called Walt (to maintain WS integrity) and in reality there was S1 named after yours truly. But how I digress.

The latest book is not difficult to read at all but slow going right now and not easy at this stage as I am not fully accustomed to the style and pace. I will say that already the vocabulary is expanding which is always welcome by a budding Vocabularyist. I am certain that the pace will pick up but once again it really doesn’t matter because the prose is written in a simple and easy manner that is delightful to simply read and enjoy.

I am thinking I should buy this book and take it travelling to read along the way as Thomas Jefferson would take Tristram Shandy to read strictly for the enjoyment. That good.

A big accomplishment and thrill yesterday was supper. Over the past few weeks I had accumulated a surplus of spuds so as when the mint grows wild or life is suddenly full of lemons, what do YOU do?



OK. You sleeping in the back. What does one do when or with a surplus of potatoes?



'I know, I know … chips!!'

NO again. You're never going to get it.

Escalloped them. Did you ever hear of scalloped potatoes?


That figures but moving along.

So I thawed a couple of chunks of the chorizo, sliced them thinly and crudely and worked that into a recipe from the '365 days of potatoes' cookbook from MarthaIII (3) and Fans, I should have written it down the new version according to Bill.

It was THAT GOOD. I mean it was so good that not having someone to share it with was a shame, approaching a sin but certainly sad.

As it was finishing the last bake uncovered at a reduced termpertautre, I was puzzled why the reddish color was bubbling up. Then I sorted out it was the chorizo causing the color. I also chopped a couple of the small red peppers from Midgey still left and the gentle warmth from the sausage and the peppers took comfort food to a new level. It was luxurious and OK, decadent.

A couple different cheeses, some onions, estate-grown rosemary and there were actually three (3) different types of potatoes which has to approach blasphemy or sacrilegious anyway. I had a sweet potato I considered and almost used but I think in this case discretion over-ruled and worked. I mean this sweet potato has been sitting around for some time and is approaching ‘must use’ or toss soon.

So daylight will be here before one can say workout and get out to circle the bases.

Yesterday I caught up with co-conspirator Leon at his house and place of business. Always a good time just talking to Leon sitting around the shop.

Late lunch today in Richardson with S1 to discus briefing with the investor. Said investor gets back into town on Saturday and S1 will see him at his work, set up the meeting to pitch and check feasibility and interest in the Wild Swine project. Poor Richard delivered a brilliant and stunning piece of intel yesterday that should help the cause.

But before lunch and the meeting I need to down-select the appropriate NDA from the 5-6 I downloaded at the library.

I ALMOST can’t wait to get all this business done so as I can get home and get to work on the art projects. Into the night and before supper Watching the Shore.2 started to take shape. I cut the window and decided I needed better patterns for the gulls.

Today’s image will be the 10 X 15 (cm) Watching the Shore.1 prototype. WS.3 could be WS.2A as it is the same size but minor changes and variations from lessons learned will benefit by the time the largest is started so surely more to follow.

But in the meantime, much to do.

Thanks for doing the disappearing act Ms Bold Caps.


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