I M: the FIRST
Very, very windy this morning as the day breaks. The gusts are strong enough at times to rattle the windows. At one time such events or storms were the cause of angst and anxiety and the fear was that I would stumble out of bed and be in Kansas or Iowa or some such dreadful place. But not anymore.
There is no fear.
Perhaps the cause for concern now is crapola … still in McKinney.
But that’s another topic for another time.
So we made it out of the F’s and into the M’s.
I awoke extremely early due to the wind and an inability to return back to sleep. I am very sure it is the coffee but with much that needs to be done, I got up and began working after reading a couple of chapters which failed to induce sleep. Prayers failed as well.
I rearranged some electronic files, worked on a painting, made plans and plotted the course for the upcoming week while taking a look at longer-range schedules and events. There are quite a few and organizing and planning are critical in flawless execution and having all plans come off without a hitch, unanticipated problems or unwanted stress.