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Still working on the official ‘date’ designator format but getting closer. The objective(s) are as few key strokes as necessary and possible hence eliminating the ‘leading zero’ as in single digit days like today.

Another is ease of read and reducing the level of difficulty incorporating to the masses.

ELIMINATE the meaningless and unnecessary keystrokes to save TIME and be as clear as possible so every member of the orchestra is playing to the same sheet of music in the Kingdom.

The pattern is two (2) letters for day of the week, one or two numericals indicating date followed by the one (or second) letter designator for the month. Refer to the approved chart for correct month abbreviations where duplications occur to eliminate ambiguity and confusion.


OMG. Ms All Bold Caps, you have been a passenger here for how long now?

Do you HONESTLY think (??) for one moment that I would even consider the ease of operation for a machine?

This goes contrary to all of my teachings. Such machines are taking over as it is so we are NOT going to make their ‘life’ easier. Humans make THEM work and they are here for OUR convenience so YOU have some ‘reprogramming’ or ‘discipline’ in order. STAT.

A couple of worthy links.

FB replied the second was ‘gross’ but the Chinese nearly ADMIT eating their pets or using them as a protein source. AND imagine a VIRUS resulting from such a thing? Only ONE (1) city making it ILLEGAL so it is perfectly acceptable in ALL other cities (?).

Woodworking, shizamm and surprise. Once again yours truly wee out in front of the curve.

And speaking of riding the vicious, tricky and fun wave of technology, here is a true story from yesterday.

I got off the snide and called Samsung support to link up my tv, phone and blu-ray player which I am THINKING can be accomplished. I had spoken to the great peeps at T-mobile and had the network key(s) SSID & pw confirmed but it still wouldn’t work.

Due to the lockdown, all the Samsung support could do was online chat and yet once again I draw a short candle and final answer is ‘no can do’ and call tv maker Visio.

I find the manual, call Vision and CJ in SD informs me that model is ‘too old’ for ‘mirroring.’

Undaunted and relentless, I call T-mobile and in ten (10) TEN ! minutes Cecil in Albuquerque talks me thru how to set it up.

That night I set it up and am now HAPPILY watching thru my tv using my smartphone as a network adapter aka ‘hotspot’ Jack Ryan on amazon prime. Just smashing.

Next, I watched four old Charlie Chan movies on youtube. With yt capability, one can watch ANYTHING from music, to Amos & Andy, Lone Ranger and of course the ‘how-to’s …’ ALL on the large screen telly.

I am absolutely GIDDY with this development. Not that I sit around ALL DAY surfing looking for something to watch. Not your correspondent and budding writer.

This lockdown has yet another silver lining and sing the praises of technology for it is grande.

The rain is so close today right now that any SECOND it could start. I had planned on venturing out but now not so much.

I think I am having a stroke. I keep wanting to clean the place and tidy up the casa but I can’t seem to sustain the effort and it is VERY PAINFUL. My head really hurts.

Besides there is carving and painting to be done. Last night I got on a roll with the telly white noise and am getting very close to finishing a set of seagulls for Watching the Shore.4 with .5 & .7 gulls approaching paint readiness.

This morning the first large decision was coffee or tea.


Great question for a change.

But first, I opted for Bill’s Crazy High Antioxidant HCMY (hibiscus-citrus (lime)-mint-and yerba) tea for the immune system boost or jolt. Need to gather strength and maintain.

The coffee WOULD have been the Lavazza or everyday/weekday brew as the Kona pipeline has been interrupted hopefully temporarily with the pandemic precautions currently in effect until further notice.

There is Kona left but rationing, cutting back to weekends, smaller pots to stretch it out is in order and prudent. Also, investigating ordering thru US mail.

So this is Bill shutting down. On to breakfast and work.

Have a fab w/e.

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