16 May
May … may not. Dead calm and clammy this Saturday morning as I take fingers to keyboard. It rained last night, overnight and threatening AGAIN this morning. The training ride this morning rescheduled due to rain and/or wet conditions until tomorrow so todays Plan is ALL TBD.
Safety first. And ten (10).
The birds sing apparently finding something to be happy about.
Now thunder rumbles in the distance and the bird shuts up. Must be a mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos).
There was a Visitor yesterday so I spent muy (or mucho) tiempo cleaning and spiffing up the castle, fortress AND grounds. My back is STILL sore this morning even after taking a couple of advil’s before calling it a day.
One GROWING reason for returning to work would now be subbing out such work to a scrub woman and while I’m at it at yard man, gardener or service.
I thought you went to Budapest?
Visitors to the cloud here expect and therefore do not require to demand privacy. It’s part of the price to enjoy the art work, rustic luxury, good taste, ambience and congeniality of the Host.
Received over night a broadcast email message from the Bishop with news from the diocese. Didn’t even read it. It seems to me that the Bishop has visions of being a rock star and his handling of this virus fiasco and leadership through has been far from exemplary.
While cleaning, I was pondering something I read about the violations of separating Church from state and the government TELLING people to NOT go to church. This would implicate the Bishop as a co-conspirator.
The Bishop is finally realizing something I MENTIONED weeks ago that NOT allowing the flock to gather and be fleeced was going to create a problem.
Actually what I said was 'it was going to bite (them) in the arse' but neither loudly or in the public domains. I mademention to Mom in the Mother's day telecon and she has a collection of 'envelopes' with money she says now she just might keep. 'Good for you Mom.'
See why I like her?
Well, apparently current thinking is the ‘herd’ is more important than the flock.
Think here peeps about the 'lemmings.'
Perhaps I will ‘opt out’ of both flock and herd to become a Master Hermit or a full-blown Recluse here and say screw them all. Buy only exactly what I need, when I need it and only the very bare basic of ultra-necessities. Grow and make as much as I am able.
Every purchase will be analyzed, value stream tools applied and shopping around will increase.
Avoid amazon at all costs and they will NOT even answer the phones in customer service. Bezos is now No. 3 on the the biggest pr**ck and Most Wanted list.
This Camper will NOT be held Hostage by the goofballs running all these petty little ‘shows’ except of course for the President.
I have noticed in the few photos that have evaded my filters that Mr T is not seen or photographed wearing a mask. Good on him. I donned one only to get into the building last week to get a haircut as it was required.
I can now PROUDLY PROCLAIM that I CAN wait for this nonsense to be over. The lunatics are in FULL control of the asylum and seem quite proud of their efforts shutting everything down.
Do NOT adjust your set.
You WILL watch what is being broadcast and YOU will drink the Cool-aide.
THIS JUST IN … from Trinity Hall and Irish Pub … (note to self … UNSUBSCRIBE from email list) today is World Whiskey day.
I cannot make THIS UP. Yet another classic email assault and invasion of my privacy …
I’ll drink to that but a little later.
Dashing to projects and hoping for a better day manana.
It WILL BE a better day as I deliver the WatchingtheShore.3 to the client or customer. We shall see which this person ends up being.