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28 Jul 2020

RAPIDLY running out of July and consequently Summer AND wondering if the State Fair will ever open again or the consecutive year running streak has ended with the virus fiasco, panic or scare.

Call it whatever you wish. Sometimes I call it a diversion and yes I have referred to the over-reaction as a hoax.

I have stopped doing this. The reaction drawn from those simple, ill-informed souls and getting into an argument with an idiot is absolutely pointless.

The idioms I like best are they are depriving a village somewhere of an idiot OR they beat you down to their level and then beat you with experience. You cannot win so do not engage.

Winding down and could finish Grant (current read) today. What a great book and an outstanding and under-appreciated leader. I was talking to my Mom yesterday and she wants to read it.

It is sad when the end comes to a biography. I am at the point where he learns he has a ‘serious problem’ in his throat. The years of cigar smoking is one 21st century theory.

Today is a training ‘off-day’ after a personal record shattering ride yesterday. The 40K was 1:38 besting previous by 3-5 minutes. Previously 1:41 one time but 1:43/1:44 were more common and ‘stuck on’.


I cannot emphasize enough the value of properly inflated tires. I mean don’t start rolling if the tires aren’t at the proper and right pressure. You just work too hard getting too tired too quickly for no return.

FB & S2 got me a special floor pump which I am starting to like better. S2 added new tires on the latest refurb that have ‘Presta’ values which I HATED and found difficult to figure and fill with the big air compressor. They are tricky but with the new pump, smaller volume it has gotten easier after a few tries.

A big time chigger event is underway.


Tell me about it.

Saturday with Poor Richard cutting the pecan trees AND I took approved precautions. Multiple bites and doing modifications to the Protocol treating aggressively for a couple more days before checking in with doc in the box. Maddening.

The forecast for today includes some rain and delivering today would be smashing. My plans are for the most part inside with painting, wood projects and admin activities.

Since the last comms, I received electronic notification for volunteer outing at Colonial CC in September.


I signed up and then had the accident so had to be excused. I did things properly and the correct way and it was no fault of mine so if it is a ‘mistake’, yours truly WILL NOT be pointing out the error.


I evaluate EACH case and in this case ... yes. There were years when the weather was bad, one year I didn’t even go over it was so cold so Ms Busy Body, I fully intend to play it out and it should be good to great.

It will be a greatly reduced ‘staff’ (think weak 'field') of volunteers AND in September the course should be in better shape AND no daylight savings time to contend with so points of light are lining up nicely.

Early to mid-August I will commence fine tuning my game, practicing and hopefully have a career round and improve my ringer score.

I am already getting a little excited.

Let it rain, let it rain and let it rain.

I am good with it.

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