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23 S 2020 In FW. At the Seminary poised to play the Colonial CC a little later and guess what. They

23 S 2020

In FW. At the Seminary poised to play the Colonial CC a little later and guess what. They have The Dark Hour here as well AND it seems to be lingering.

I arrived yesterday afternoon just ahead of the rush hour tide and tsunami. As ever the case, I brought a number of spare or ‘free time’ activities however neglected most preferring the fascination with the telepathetic device aka ‘television’.

Then my memory of the thing returned. I used a ‘remote’ when the first set of commercials came on and went to another ‘channel.’

But it was the same. A few minutes, MINUTES (!) of a story or marginal interest than interrupted by MORE commercials for drugs and ailments I didn’t even have. That I know of.

I now miss and truly appreciate the old cigarette ads from the tunein app and stations.

Speaking of which, this morning in an episode of the lion’s eye, Jack Webb quipped he was as ‘tense as a test pilot in a yo-yo factory.’


I guess you had to be there (1), (2) be PAYING ATTENTION (astute enough) and (3) appreciate the strictly audio versus sitting in a stupor staring at the audio-visual combination PLUS ads spewed from the telly.

I rest my case.

More later. Need to stretch some to stimulate a bowel movement, check and see if they are offering any type of complimentary breakfast during the epidemic and get to the course.

TIME OUT:7:22am

9:18 pm (Resuming ...)

Back at the ranch and …


Are you itching and ready to rub it in?


Look, it’s late, Stars are getting drubbed and a big day tomorrow and a brief account is about all I can stomach.

I hit some good shots and a few even great shots. But there were far too many clunkers in between. And do you think I could hit even two (2) MARGINAL shots in a row?


It was sad to watch some of them and recall how I would have eaten the course up in the hayday. Now in old age it was

I that got thrashed. The course won without disputing.

I made a few puts of medium length but as I told a the playing partners, if someone were to steal my clubs at this stage, they just might be doing me a favor. I probably wouldn’t even report them stolen for insurance purposes.


That bad. The catch is to reach that level again would involve an investment in time (and money) and the return on THOSE investments simply are not worth it.

End of story.

Not to worry. I’m already over it and it certainly is not the end of the world, the sun will come up tomorrow if the clouds break.

Tomorrow I get with Rita the realtor and inspect the property. She has a buyer already lined up and it isn’t even listed so THAT is moving along.

See how life balances out Ms Bold Caps? You win some, and lose some. Some are small, others can be huge.


I will. Thanks.


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