30 Jn 22
Hopping out of June or sprinting into July? OR … leaping out of June or springing into July?
Another conundrum in the life of Bill.
As you know as a FREE SUBSCRIBER that you are GETTING exactly what you pay for. However you should bask in the glow of the summer sun knowing that there ARE FREE things and anything FREE is good.
Not necessarily. I lessoned FB and S1 once long ago that 'free' should be removed from the lexicon.
Completely and totally removed for it misleads the unanointed like a powerful opioid. Nothing is 'free.' It's a hook.
The poor fish sees only the worm and panics, begins siezures and goes ballsitic when she realizes something like
I think I would react in a similar fashion but far too late at that point.
How did I get derailed here so soon and so quickly?
In the past I have had fun with the calendar project extending June at the expense of July. I could thumb back thru and revisit historical entries HOWEVER the creative spring of my writing mind continues to bubble over with ‘good stuff’ and why waste THAT I ask myself. SOME DAY, there will be PAID subscribers. First hundreds then thousands of them.
Speaking engagements will follow and I will be able to be selective and only accept those whenever I am constipated.
For once Ms Bold Caps I am truly glad for your timely interruption and can actually heed your advice in this case.
And Mission Accomplished with another smashing intro.
So yesterday after yanking S1 and performing successful evac from local (to McK) rehab facility, subject was delivered to his new home for the next six (6) or so days. This is certainly and without question truly a Blessing that he is here period but as the staff is all top-notch he absolutely could not have landed in a better place.
While here I am bivouacking with FB and the grandees.
Seriously? Right??
GS1 was acting up before bed last night and all wound up after swimming. Both his Dad and I had to cut short his shenanigans with the wooden spoon as ‘the threat’ clearly wasn’t working. Dad allowed me the honors and as I was chasing him up the stairs tapping gently when he suddenly turned around putting his hands over his bottom which was my target. One tap struck a hand bone a little to hard and I recognized immediately the ‘pop’ before the blow drew tears.
As is so often the case, the tears dried quickly and later after he had gone to bed I had the ‘opportunity’ to mend the fence and make things right with the world. He was tucked in and nearly asleep and we had a brief chat about behavior, making mistakes, learning lessons and all was well.
We shall see what today brings but I am GUESSING there is little to no damage but I will check his knuckles none the less in a show of compassion and continuity.
Going to cut and run here now.
With school being out I am 100% positive there will be some activity or festivity planned or develope quickly and I should be the GRANDE Marshall. There is a lot of pretending and planning here.
Looking ahead, I am not sure if the next entry will be in July or June will linger for a few more days.
Always sad when June ends. The year is half over and all down hill until it comes around again.
And for the record, June is NOT pride month.
June remains National dairy month so eat plenty of ice cream, watermelon, cherries and blueberries while you can for the season WILL end.
Rest, relax, recover, refresh, rejuvenate aka the Five (5) Are’s.
Will tomorrow be June or July ??
Stay tuned OR better yet subscribe.
You WILL NOT want to miss a single episode of The Continuing Adventure.