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Easter Sunday MMXXI

He Has Risen. A grand cause and miraculous day for Christians to celebrate. I received my 40-day plastic chip for ‘sobriety’ and things will return to some semblance of normalcy.

I was actually working the last two days (2) and garnered some windshield time driving a van of merchandise from South Texas but I am fond of referring to the same as contraband sounds so much better.

There is not much free time this week for there are two (2) shows possible this weekend and preps for each proceed indepemdently without certainty which one I will be attending or participating in if at all. You see weather is a factor and now the Masters starts Thursday. Yes, the plate is FULL.

Either way, there are projets that can and should be finished for higher probability of sales in each location.

Complicating things are the ‘other activities’ that interfere.

For example, I must travel to Sherman on Monday to pick up pieces at the Ugly Girl gallery there for the shows next weekend. Not sure if they will go back next week since sales were nada. I think one of the problems is the price for ‘consignment’ is too high for such a sale but a third party. And I haven’t said anything but the gallery could use some ... ah, ‘enhancements’.

Contractors are coming to make some measurements in the kitchen tomorrow. They are too slow and already missed the boat on the dishwater. I purchased one at a second source and will pick that up tomorrow and do the self-install.

Things such as this and as they say 'life goes on.'

Today’s image is a religious piece I did a couple of years ago.

Perhaps what the cross looked like that Monday after the crucifixion and after the Body of Christ was taken down.

Emma checked in with Easter wishes and Sweetie, reply coming under separate cover.

IFFEN there are entries later this week, I will post images of finished projets.

Promise since some WILL BE done.


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