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F X 21

This morning … C.O.L.D. HAS TO BE the dreaded Arctic vortex or as we locals prefer to call it the Dead of Winter.

Checking the numbers after awaking in the night to a chill, sinuses left on, wide open and running, crib side it was 7° tying the record for the upper deck 10 APPOXIMATELY but converting with NO rounding it would have been 9.5° but here at the cloud, under ANY circumstances or conditions do we split degrees.

On the main deck it would have been probably 10.5° but that temp sensing and reporting device was set to report degrees F as is the upper deck device.

Emma checked in and I owe a correspondence in return. I think today at least as soon as the feeling returns to my fingers.


Hey!! Where have you been?


Indeed. Like a blister.

And short answer is yes, the heat is now on and the cave is heating up. When it feels warm enough I shall turn it off until it gets chill again.

It’s called a human thermostat and I DO try it at home only because I can AND there is no one to b*tch, complain, p or moan.

Yesterday on the journey out for a few supplies I experienced a mystique and supernatural occurance.

After completing the shopping mission, at check out I found a penny left in the change receptacle of the machine that took the job of a special needs high school student or person.

At that moment in time I thought of the ‘superstition’ of good luck and a lucky day.

Loading the supplies into Silver, I spotted a crushed can of Coke on the pavement and when I bent to pick it up there was another penny (!).

I amused myself that this very well just might be a big day and smiling started waiting for something to ‘happen’.

Arriving home unscatherd as I am settling in, stowing the supplies and counting and sorting the change, the last penny was an old wheat penny. Now I am convinced and staggered that this is an omen or sign of some kind however I recalled the ‘false Gods’ Commandment and dismissed any and all such thoughts.

I set about changing costumes from shopping clothes into a warmer set for under the coveralls and proceeded to get about working projets artistiques and the LONG LIST filed under 'Build inventory.'

About 4:30 I get a text message from social services, the Office of the Aging or Senior Citizen affairs or perhaps it was one of my Guardian Angels that an appointment was set up for a lunch interview tomorrow with a likely candidate for cleaning services! Which is now today time known but not shared for security purposes.

The only other thing I know for sure is the location downtown.

So, some ‘big news’.

More next time.

Coffee is ready, the heat is working hard but it is far from warm yet.

A workout today. Make some sawdust, breath the same, a fire for sure and then clean up for the interview.

Could prayers about to be be answered? A corner turned ? Is finding a penny(ies) a 'sign' of good luck ... truly?

You’re going to want to pay your membership dues, re-up or make a SIGNIFICANT pledge or donation to keep this vehicle afloat and find out the answers to these and a multitude of other intriguiing questions.


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