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Ides of March XXII

Today’s entry goes out to W. Shakespeare and J. Caesar and NOT as in I’m your vehicle baby. Even you Brutus? (Et tu Bruti ?)

I was reflecting last night about this task now at hand to my days in high school and the education I received. My Mom in her infinite wisdom was insistent that I use Latin to fulfill the language requirement for graduation. Yes, high school.

I am certain we argued however I will concede, step back and agree we ‘discussed’ it, at length, and she won. I ended up taking three (3) years and at SCS Mrs Twitchell was the sole instructor. She was an elderly lady and as luck would have it PASSIONATE about Latin. She was a smoker and her breath was always bad.

Anyway, I got thru it and My Mom was spot on. Latin background has aided immensely the growth of my vocabulary, figuring out the meaning of words contextually and on the fly and my study of other languages as well.


I was hoping you would remain under your rock for a spell.

Short answer is a 'familiarity and working knowledge' of a few but fluent in none. The closest is English. Three (3) semesters of German at the University but those skills so reoded have gone dormant with opportunities to converse few and very far between. On the rare occasions I barely, only bearly, got by. The other persons English was far better than my Deutsch.

Still settling into the DST (daylight savings time) routine but nicely. Cool again this morning but the sun is up and shining and I got the workout in. It is an ‘off’ training day and I have already performed some touch labor on a number of projects (PA).

The Plan(s) today are calling for more work on the projets artistiques (PA) with the Waterway Art Festival status now on lukewarm from cold for this year.

The new things I am working on will fit nicely into the product line of commodity items for ARToberFEST in Galveston in the October inventoryif not selected for WWAF.

Planning has been aided greatly by incorporating schedules onto an The couple extra hours daylight at days end is a boost AND cutting off the crack-type addition to telly helps as well freeing up time.

Tomorrow should be good for an outdoor training ride. However there are appointments in the morning and afternoon both focused on S1 recovery & re-entry. All good. These things are taking so long to get moving let alone actually ACCOMPLISH.

I have so many PAs in so many different phases & stages that it is really exciting to work and the long hours are only a convenience term used and actually fun.

I am doing a large unicorn clock for NEXTgen.1 that is about ready to paint. It would be groovy if I could complete that by 25M and the next trip to Houston. Going to check out the Bayou City Art festival for possible future considerations.

OK. I could go on but I sense the quality is dropping off and rapidly.


That’s all I need from YOU.

Veni, vidi, vici.


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