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Six one 21

A Tuesday, the first of 61 days of June the best month in the year. Due to a number of factors which has now become the ‘New Norm’, things have slowed down and what we are witnessing is out of synch on the grandest of scales.

Back from the PGA event at Colonial in Fort Worth and it is great to be home.

The overcast skies and rain is or has continued and expecting more of the same. It is neither warm nor cold about 22-23° which is the perfect elevator climate.

There is not much to get excited about and on the contrary threading water feverishly to avoid depression short of meds.

I finished Bring the Jubilee by Ward Moore and found it once again not quite what I was expecting however none the less a good one to read. I can’t say anything without risking the now famous tag line ‘spoiler alert’ so moving along.

While in FW on my off day I visited the Texas Civil War museum for the second time. It was pretty interesting and when I asked if there was a docent around for a tour the reply was they only had one and ‘not today’ was the final answer.

Seeing a possible opportunity, I ended up speaking with Marcus the Director and coming home with a volunteer’s packet of information plus some brochures from the card rack. While reviewing after getting home, I learned that there is a huge library and collection of archival material in the form of original letters, diaries, journals and artifacts from the era. Look up the ‘Pearce Collection’ whilst I move along if you wish.

The collection and museum is located on the Navarro College campus which is in Corsicana right off I45 exiting off on the way either to or from Houston. Another side trip!!

Other cards of major interest is a similar museum on Bardstown, KY near Louisville and extremely close to the … get ready … the Maker’s mark distillery. Talk about convenient.

A couple things in Atlanta to consider while planning art show travels there and in Marion, AR the Sultana Disaster Museum. It seems in 1865 a steamboat carrying 2300 passengers 1800 of which were killed mostly released Federal (Union) former POWs.

Surviving the treatment or lack of in a POW camp, being released after the war ended only to be on a ship that blows up in the Mississippi River. I think that would qualify as 'bad luck'.

The POW camp in Andersonville, GA MIGHT be a stop should a show in Atlanta hit the radar.

Then again that might be a better day to visit the aquarium.

OK. Must dash.

I am behind on just about everything.

Emma, I am trying to get a Members only private reply out however I am being overcome with moths.

Say hallelujah.


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